ACOEM GROUP Industries

  • Wind Energy

  • Noise monitoring for wind farm monitoring - Energy - Wind

    Noise monitoring for wind farm monitoring

    Wind farms must be developed in such a way that they become a part of the environmental lanscape. To this end, public authorities use standards and regulations to impose limits on the noise levels generated by such installations.

  • Noise and vibration pollution control for wind power industry - Energy - Wind

    Noise and vibration pollution control for wind power industry

    As a major source of renewable energy, wind turbines are continuing to experience exponential growth, with a production capacity that is doubling every three years. Reliability and the optimisation of maintenance have become major economic challenges for wind turbine operators.

  • Nuclear Power

  • Noise and vibration monitoring for nuclear power industry - Energy - Nuclear

    Noise and vibration monitoring for nuclear power industry

    The nuclear industry must increase the availability and reliability of its power stations whilst ensuring that a high level of safety is maintained. The principal weak points in achieving this objective are the industry`s systems and components.