Advanced Biofuels Association (ABFA)

Advanced Biofuels Association (ABFA)

Advanced Biofuels Association (ABFA)

The Advanced Biofuels Association is a national trade association whose members produce, blend, and distribute advanced biofuels – low carbon fuels, derived from renewable, non-food biomass, that are more effective at reducing greenhouse gas emissions than corn-based ethanol and other first-generation biofuels. Together, ABFA’s members are working towards weaning the U.S. off of high emissions fuels and filling the gaps that electrification won’t reach, such as heavy-duty trucks, non-road vehicles, aviation, and shipping.

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800 17th Street, NW, Suite 1100 , Washington , DC 20006 USA
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Business Type:
Professional association
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Market Focus:
Nationally (across the country)

The advanced biofuels industry creates low-carbon fuels to address our global climate crisis and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While electrification of automobiles and other transport is becoming more and more mainstream, much of our global transport system will remain reliant on fuel, and ABFA members are committed to lowering the carbon footprint of that supply chain.

ABFA Is the Leading Voice of Energy Innovators Working to Decarbonize Transportation Fuel.
With action on climate change necessary for the future of our planet and the global economy, U.S. policy makers are encouraging a transition to an electrified transportation fleet. However, millions of personal vehicles are unlikely to be electrified for decades, and aviation, long-distance trucking and marine shipping are difficult to electrify, leaving an “electrification gap.”

40+ Global companies
That represent the full advanced biofuels supply chain– from feedstock growers, to producers, to distributors, and marketers.

12 Billion Gallons
ABFA members produce more than 12 billion gallons of advanced biofuels annually.

300k Americans
ABFA members employ approximately 300,000 Americans.

Fuels derived from renewable, non-food biomass – which Congress established in 2007 as Advanced Biofuels – can help to close the “electrification gap.” These fuels are distinct from first-generation biofuels like corn-based ethanol because they deliver a greater reduction in greenhouse gases and are one-to-one replacement for gasoline, diesel, and jet fuels. Plus, liquid advanced biofuels require little change in fuel distribution infrastructure or the transport fleet and can therefore be rapidly deployed without significant taxpayer investment.

The feedstock growers, producers, distributors, and marketers that advanced biofuels are members of the Advanced Biofuels Association (ABFA), the leading voice of energy innovators working to decarbonize transportation fuel. ABFA’s members create low-carbon fuels to address the global climate crisis and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ABFA members are committed to lowering the carbon footprint of the global transport system, producing 50% of the nation’s aviation fuel by 2050, and helping America close the “electrification gap.”

To help meet America’s crucial energy and climate targets, and close the electrification gap, advanced biofuels must be properly invested in, regulated, and promoted. The ABFA supports and advocates for public policies that are technology neutral, afford flexibility for the use of a variety of sustainable feedstocks, and ensure viable advanced biofuels can compete with the benefit of a level playing field.

Decarbonize Transportation Fuel
We need multiple solutions in transportation infrastructure to meet local, state, national climate goals, and to solve the electrification gap created by current policymaking.

Reform The RFS
If revised appropriately, the RFS could spur the development, commercialization, and widespread adoption of the low-carbon advanced biofuels industry.

Federal Funding
Federal support can be instrumental for companies with innovative technologies seeking to reach commercial scale.

Tax Policy
The ABFA supports consistent, technology-neutral tax incentives.