AGO AG Energie + Anlagen

AGO AG Energie + Anlagen

8 products found

AGO AG Energie + Anlagen Products

  • Refrigeration Engineering

  • Effective And Individual Solutions For Process Cooling

    Effective And Individual Solutions For Process Cooling

    Your production process is our challenge. For many years now, individual solutions adapted to your requirements and your production process are part of our core competences. AGO AG is an expert for many medium-sized and major companies worldwide.Our customers include medium-sized engineering companies as well as companies from the high-tech sector. Whether screw-type water chillers, turbo water chillers, absorption chillers or other technologies are used ...

  • Generate Cold From Waste Heat

    Generate Cold From Waste Heat

    From small plants to industrial large scale plants – your project is in good hands. In the area of refrigeration plant construction, the dominating fields of activity over the past years were: split units, screwtype water chillers, turbo water chillers and absorption chillers in complex interconnections with diverse heat generators.AGO AG Energie + Anlagen can exclusively provide a highly interesting product for the absorption process of ...

  • Ventilation and Climate Technology

  • Comfort Systems

    Comfort Systems

    Physical well-being of the customer is the top priority of our ventilation comfort systems. Concepts individually customized to objects and user behavior enhance highest possible efficiency of the buildings and a comfortable environment. Comfort and energy efficiency are not in contradiction with each other. A properly designed system combines both demands – and comfort as well as energy efficiency reach maximum ...

  • Heat Engineering

  • Heat Plant Engineering and Construction

    Heat Plant Engineering and Construction

    The design and implementation of thermotechnical plants for warm water treatment, hot water treatment or steam treatment of all power classes is part of our main focus: energy sources, such as biomass, oil, natural gas, biogas or heavy fuel oil are used in boiler or engine applications. About half of the heat generation plants implemented by AGO are steam boiler ...

  • Biomass Cogeneration Plants / Biomass Heating Stations

    Biomass Cogeneration Plants / Biomass Heating Stations

    We are specialists in the area of planning, financing, constructing and operating biomass cogeneration plants and respectively biomass heating stations. The plants are designed based upon the heat requirements of supplied company. Our client’s individual needs determine the used technology. Wood chips from fresh wood or waste wood from wood processing companies are combusted in a special biomass boiler. Depending on the requirements, heat, hot ...

  • Combined Heat and Power Plants

    Combined Heat and Power Plants

    Combined heat and power plants (CHPs) simultaneously generate electricity and heat on the basis of cogeneration. Due to a higher efficiency compared to the separate generation of electricity (e.g. coal-fired power plants) and heat (e.g., boiler with fuel oil or natural gas), this type of plant contributes to a reduction of the user’s energy costs. At the same time, CHPs reduce emissions and preserve our energy ...

  • Combined Heat-Power-Refrigeration / Trigeneration

    Combined Heat-Power-Refrigeration / Trigeneration

    Combined heat-power-refrigeration is one of our core competences. With an amount of more than 150 installed cogeneration modules in different performance classes in the past years, we gained vast experience and knowledge. We are perfectly acquainted with all commonly used types of fuel – natural gas, biogas, oil and wood ...

  • Heat Pumps

    Heat Pumps

    Heat pumps move (pump) heat from its surrounding to a higher usable temperature level. Heat pumps draw heat from the air, ground, sewage or groundwater. The energy, which can be extracted from the heat sink (air, ground), is a multiple of the electricity input for the heat pump and can be elevated to a higher temperature level. In the capacity balance, electrical energy for the compressor and for the heat extracted from the environment is fed to the heat ...