Airtechnic Solutions

Airtechnic Solutions

Airtechnic Solutions

Airtechnic Solutions is an internationally operating company dedicated to developing, manufacturing and the supply of tailor-made air technological systems and components for the industry. We are specialists in providing integral solutions for airtechnological problems in the field of process air treatment and powder processing. - Cyclone systems - Multi-cyclone systems - Centrifugal fans - High pressure blowers - Pneumatic conveyor systems - Pneumatic conveying systems

Company details

Lisdodde 24 , Tegelen , 5931 TG Netherlands
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Air Pollution Treatment
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)
Year Founded:
$1,000,000 US - $10,000,000 US

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
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