3 products found
AKRONEX International - Worldwide Fire Fighting Solutions Products
Fire Supressions Systems
AKRONEX 227 - Model (FM-200) - Clean Agent Fire Supressions Systems
Automatic Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems control the danger that can occur due to fire and protect all the equipment in the protected area without any damage. All products are designed and certified according to national and international ...
Carbon Dioxide Gas Extinguishing Systems
Carbon dioxide is a colorless, scentless and non conductive gas that can effect quickly and efficiently into the protected area. Its density is about 50% higher than . the air density.During extinguishing, it is seen as a white mist. It does not make residue on the materials or affect adversely the materials. Reduces the concentration of oxygen causes suppression to fire in the space and creates a cooling effect causedby rapid ...
Micro Gas Pre-Engineered Systems
Not expensive fire suppression system for electrical panels, vehicles and IT servers. In the last few years the size and financial value of industrial equipments and vehicles are growing rapidly. The growth of material value of devices increases the necessity of usage of not expensive reliable systems of fire ...