Alltech Solar, Inc.

Alltech Solar, Inc.

Alltech Solar, Inc.

Alltech Solar is a licensed General, Electrical, and Mechanical Contractor providing a comprehensive package of conservation, solar hot water and solar power systems. This approach allows us to utilize all technologies available. We provide multiple products and services to provide you the most cost effective and energy efficient system for your home or business. Alltech Solar is a California certified solar installer, building green since 1995. With over a decade of presence in the industry, our knowledge, experience and processes allow us to work with you and show you predictable system production and financial performance. With proven installations, combined with a collaboration of the latest technology, ensure Alltech photovoltaic systems deliver the greatest possible return on investment to our customers. Our committed team proudly serves the greater San Diego region. Contact us today at 858-455-9292 and start declaring your energy independence now!

Company details

4079 Governor Drive , San Diego , CA 92122 USA
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Business Type:
Service provider
Industry Type:
Solar Energy
Market Focus:
Locally (one state or province)
Year Founded:
$100,000,000 US - $1,000,000,000 US