AMETEK Brookfield

AMETEK Brookfield

AMETEK Brookfield

Brookfield is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer and the world leader in viscosity, texture analysis, and powder flow instrumentation. For over 85 years, Brookfield products have been considered ideal for testing viscosity, texture, powder flow, moisture, toxic gas, and more. Our team of qualified and dedicated engineers leads the industry in manufacturing best-in-class technology. Our products measure material characteristics and quality in a wide range of industries, including: food and beverages, lubricants, paints and coatings, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics and personal care products, oil and gas, and more. Brookfield has an excellent global support system with regional offices in the US, UK, China, Germany, and India. Our global network of trained sales representatives and distributors are available to assist you in selecting the best instruments for your application. Partner with us to experience Material Characterization At Its Best.

Company details

11 Commerce Blvd. , Middleboro , 02346 Massachusetts, USA
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Air Monitoring and Testing
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)
Year Founded: