32 News & Press Releases found
AMETEK Spectro Scientific News
MiniLab™ 153 Enters Nuclear Power Plants
he MiniLab Series is rapidly being adopted by nuclear power plants in China and worldwide to provide on-site oil analysis, avoiding unplanned failures and preventing costly downtime. Sending samples to outside laboratories can be particularly ...
Testing by California Department of Agriculture shows new InfraCal 2 Biodiesel Blend Analyzer Compares to ASTM D7371
While a picture may be worth a thousand words, in the world of testing for regulations and validation data is worth a thousand words. The InfraCal Analyzers have been accepted worldwide as a standard for measuring the percent biodiesel in diesel by ...
Increased Capability for Oil in Water and Biodiesel Blend Measurements with New InfraCal 2 Analyzer
The new InfraCal 2 Analyzer, recently introduced by Wilks, offers additional features to the already established and accepted InfraCal Oil in Water Analyzers and InfraCal Biodiesel Blend Analyzers. These features include better repeatability, ...
Increased biodiesel blend measurement capability with new InfraCal 2 Analyzer
The new InfraCal 2 Analyzer, recently introduced by Wilks, for biodiesel in diesel measurements offers additional features to the already established and widely-used InfraCal Biodiesel Blend Analyzer. These features include better ...
Pending ASTM Biodiesel Blend Method for Filter-Based IR Analyzers
Currently, Methods D7371 and EN 14078 require FTIR spectrometers for biodiesel blend analysis. Placing expensive equipment at a loading dock to ensure biodiesel blend accuracy is not a preferred choice of terminal operators. In addition to the cost ...
Factory-Calibrated Fuel Blend IR Analyzers Provide Measurement Data in Under a Minute
Factory-calibrated portable infrared analyzers, available from Wilks Enterprise, determine the percent of ethanol in gasoline or biodiesel in diesel in under a minute to ensure correct fuel blends. Models are available for measuring various ...
Effects of Biodiesel Feedstocks on Infrared Blend Measurements Featured in New White Paper
A new White Paper published by Wilks Enterprise addresses the common concern among biodiesel blenders and distributors as to whether or not biodiesel made from different feedstocks such as soy, waste vegetable oil or palm oil will affect the blend ...
White Paper featuring On-Site Ethanol in Gasoline Blend Analysis Saves Money and Eliminates Uncertainty in Fuel Blends
A new White Paper published by Wilks Enterprise presents the advantages and cost savings for on-site analysis with a portable mid-infrared based analyzer, such as the Wilks InfraCal Ethanol Blend Analyzer, to help fuel blenders quickly flag ...
Fast, Easy Detection of Biodiesel in Diesel Fuel Down to 100 ppm
Wilks Enterprise is pleased to announce a new InfraSpec VFA-IR Spectrometer, Model EB, with a flow-through sample system and automated syringe pump that accurately measures biodiesel in diesel fuel down to 100 ppm in less than five minutes. ...
On-Site Ethanol Blend Measurements in Under a Minute
As more mandates for higher blends of ethanol in gasoline come into effect, terminal managers, distributors, fleet managers, regulators and tax enforcement agencies need a quick and accurate way to measure the percent ethanol in gasoline to ensure a ...
Easy-to-Use Spectrometer Provides On-Site Detection of Biodiesel in Diesel Fuel for Emergency Backup Generators
East Norwalk, CT, Dec. 16, 2011 -- Currently, ASTM Method D975 allows up to 5% biodiesel in diesel fuel without the requirement for biodiesel content labeling. This presents a major problem for operators of Emergency Diesel Generators (EDG) ...
Tests Conducted by Major Pipeline Company to Detect Biodiesel in Diesel Fuels with Wilks Biodiesel Analyzer
Seven weeks of on-site tests were recently completed at a major pipeline company in the Southwest to determine the effectiveness of the InfraSpec VFA-IR Spectrometer, Model EB, for detecting biodiesel contamination in diesel fuels about to enter the ...
Biofuels Producers – Ethanol and Biodiesel – Must Comply with Clean Water Act and Monitor Oil/Grease Discharge Levels
E. Norwalk, CT, June 24, 2010 – Ethanol and Biodiesel producers have been attracting the attention of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as other government regulatory agencies, and coming under closer scrutiny to ensure ...
Ensuring Accurate, On-Site Biofuels Blend Measurements in Under One Minute
Globally, governments are putting more emphasis on sustainable energy sources and are creating energy policies that promote the production and use of biofuels. With the Renewable Fuels Standard-2 (RFS-2), the US set biofuels blending volumes ...
Comparison Data on Wilks Biofuels Blend Analyzers Conducted by Independent Laboratories
Wilks Enterprise is pleased to announce the availability of comparison data, done by independent laboratories, on its InfraCal Ethanol and Biodiesel Blend Analyzers and InfraSpec VFA-IR Spectrometer. The InfraCal Ethanol Blend Analyzer was tested ...
On-Site Detection of Biodiesel in Diesel Fuel Down to 0.05% Featured in Application Note
A new application note from Wilks Enterprise features the InfraSpec VFA-IR Spectrometer, with flow-through sample system, for the accurate measurement of biodiesel in diesel fuel down to 0.05% in less than one minute. This is particularly ...
Fast, easy detection of biodiesel in diesel fuel down to 0.05%
Wilks Enterprise is pleased to announce that its InfraSpec VFA-IR Spectrometer, with a new flow-through sample system, is now capable of accurately measuring biodiesel in diesel fuel down to 0.05% in less than one minute. This is particularly ...
Easy-to-use infrared analyzers help ensure accurate biodiesel blend through distribution pipeline
A major petroleum terminal recently began successfully transporting blended biodiesel through a distribution pipeline. Extensive tests on the biodiesel blend were conducted at the beginning and end of the pipeline to ensure the biodiesel met blend ...
Easy-to-use portable infrared analyzers measure biodiesel and ethanol blend levels in under one minute
As more countries are looking at reducing foreign oil dependence and using cleaner burning fuels, the amount of ethanol and biodiesel blended into petroleum based fuel is increasing rapidly. Wilks Enterprise has just published a new application data ...
Mid-Infrared analyzers provide on-site measurements to ensure biofuels blend quality
The biofuels marketplace is a rapidly growing industry and so is the need for easy-to-use analytical measurement techniques to ensure product quality. And, as more mandates for a minimum of ethanol in gasoline and biodiesel in diesel come into ...