3 products found
Anand Seamless Tubes Pvt. Ltd. Products
Fin Tubes (Finned Tubes)
Anand - Model G - Fin Tubes / Embedded Fin Tubes
The ‘G FIN TUBEis also known asEmbedded Fin Tube.This type of fin tube widely finds acceptance where the requirement is for higher operating temperature and relatively lower corrosive atmosphere. The fins are manufactured by embedding the fin strip into a groove formed on the base tube. The Fin is allowed to be placed in the groove and then the backfilling of the groove is carried out to ensure firm adherence of the fins to the base tubes. Because ...
Anand - Model ‘L’ / ‘LL’ /’KL’ Type - Fin Tube
The ‘L’ FIN TUBE, ‘LL’ FIN TUBE, ‘KLM’ FIN TUBE also known as Wrap Around Fin Tube. This type of Fin Tube widely finds acceptance where the Heat Transfer Temperature is relatively lower and the cost needs to be controlled. These type of Fin Tubes are relatively lesser in cost as compared to the ‘G’ Type Fin Tube and ...
Anand - Extruded Fin Tube
The Extruded Fin Tubealso known asBimetallic Fin Tubeis one of the most preferred finning processes for various applications. The fins are manufactured by Extruding the Fins on the Aluminum Muff Tube which is made to Fit with close tolerance over the Base ...