Asia Coal Catalyst Company

Asia Coal Catalyst Company

3 products found

Asia Coal Catalyst Company Products

  • Oil Fuel Chemicals

  • Model DP-88 - Diesel Plus Fuel Oil Combustion Liquid Additive

    Model DP-88 - Diesel Plus Fuel Oil Combustion Liquid Additive

    DP-88 is a diesel fuel oil combustion liquid additive designed for use in diesel power trucks, buses, farm equipment, commercial vehicles, and off-road diesel powered equipment. It is a highly complex formulation containing solvents and specially developed stabilizers. It does not contain any heavy metals or other potentially harmful elements. The DP-88 additive improves operating characteristics and efficiency without harmful effects on engines or ...

  • Model HO-88 - Additive for Combustion of Heavy Oils

    Model HO-88 - Additive for Combustion of Heavy Oils

    HO-88 is an additive for the combustion of heavy oils. It is a liquid heavy oil additive made using a proprietary blend of organic compounds of chromium, cobalt, aluminum and iron dissolved in a petroleum base solvent. It minimizes the formation of SO3 (which causes corrosion of the boiler and slagging.) HO-88 increases the rate of combustion: oil is burned much more completely rather than remaining as slag on the furnace ...

  • Model PC-88 - Additive for Combustion of Heavy Oils

    Model PC-88 - Additive for Combustion of Heavy Oils

    PC-88 is an additive for the combustion of heavy oils. It is a solution of metal organic compounds of chromium, cobalt, aluminum and iron dissolved in a petroleum base solvent. It minimizes the formation of SO3 (which causes corrosion of the boiler and slagging.) It changes the rate of combustion: oil is burned completely rather than remaining on the furnace wall. And it changes the appearance of the flame and flue gas by stabilizing the carbon dioxide ...