4 products found
Aurelia Turbines Oy Products
Aurelia - Model A400 - Small Gas Turbine
The most efficient small gas turbine in the world. The Aurelia® A400 provides 400 kWe with an electrical efficiency greater than 40 %. The turbine is a twin-spool, intercooled and recuperated (IRG2) gas turbine. The turbine is of modular construction and is designed to utilise a wide range of fuels, from standard liquid and gaseous fuels to biogas, biodiesel, flare gasses and even synthetic and recovered ...
Process Steam System
Steam is an efficient and effective energy medium which is widely used in industry worldwide to produce everything from food to chemicals to paper and building ...
Large Industrial Absorption Chiller
Absorption chilling systems offer a number of advantages over conventional chilling systems and as such offer the most economically viable solution for reduced emissions and deliver cooling. The benefits of absorption chillers ...
Biogas Plant
Natural gas is a well-known fuel. Biogas can be regarded as “a renewable, but lean natural gas” – but where does it come from, what kind of role it can play in power generation? And what does it mean, when it is being said that “biogas does not have a ...