B:POWER, a. s

B:POWER, a. s

B:POWER, a. s Industries

  • Waste to Energy

  • ORC System for Use of waste heat in the industry

    A considerable part of heat from the heavy industry is now solved very marginally and in most cases the investor loses a very valuable commodity – energy in waste heat. We have a solution for you how to use this heat and produce electric energy by means of the fuel gas ORC system or the hot-water ORC. 

  • Energy

  • eCoolers for Cooling of the circuit of cogeneration unit engine with zero consumption - Energy

    eCoolers for Cooling of the circuit of cogeneration unit engine with zero consumption

    The ORCAN technologies focus on a wide range of the ORC systems, from the smallest ones (5 kW) up to bigger ORC systems producing 300 kW of electricity. Another flagship of this company includes zero energy consumption coolers - eCoolers. Tens of installations of these units all over Europe are evidence of first-rate quality of German technology. The supplier of expanders for ORC is the company Bitzer – the world number one in the field of producers of compressors.

  • eCoolers for Effective frustraton of heat with zero consumption - Energy

    eCoolers for Effective frustraton of heat with zero consumption

    They are classic heat exchangers when the technology requires for its operation to frustrate a certain amount of heat in these air exchangers. Classic installations are such that for heat frustration they use fans with high own consumption of electric energy for feeding fans. Thereby the circuit is cooled down by the given delta t. The principle of our coolers is the same, only with that difference that we use the input energy of heat just for the production of electric energy feeding fans of the cooler. Not...