2 services found
Beta Analytic Inc. Services
Fuel Tested
Refuse-derived Fuels: From Waste to Energy
Many industries burn refuse-derived fuels and solid recovered fuels as energy source. Biomass fraction of RDF or SRF is determined using CEN 15747 or prCEN/TS 15440 for companies in Europe. Beta Analytic is committed to provide CEN 15747 and prCEN/TS 15440 ...
Biomass Carbon Content of Scrap Tires and Tire-Derived Fuel
Their high heating value makes scrap tires a good alternative fuel for industries with energy-intensive processes, e.g. cement plants, electricity-generating facilities, and pulp and paper mills. Tires, when burned, produce the same amount of energy as oil, 25-50% more energy than coal, and 100-200% more energy than wood, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Scrap tires had been used as supplement fuel to coal and wood. Over the years, ...