Biovakka Suomi Oy

Biovakka Suomi Oy

Biovakka Suomi Oy

Biovakka`s mission is to produce biogas, recycled nutrients and transport fuel from those organic raw materials that are currently poorly exploited. Such materials are, for example, farm-produced manure, wet sludge from the food industry and biowaste from retail trade and communities. The starting point of Biovakka`s operations is the principle of sustainable development. Biovakka aims to promote and increase the use of green energy in Finland. Biovakka`s operations are based on research, knowledge and know-how. Biovakka is the leader in many development projects that aim to exploit biogas energy.

Company details

Autokatu 8 , Turku , FI-20380 Finland
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Business Type:
Service provider
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Market Focus:
Internationally (various countries)
Year Founded:

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
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We provide waste processing services for the needs of industry, communities and agriculture, as well as produce renewable energy and safe recycled nutrients for various purposes.

Biovakka Suomi Oy refines organic raw materials and produces recyclable nutrients for fertilisation, compost raw materials and biogas. At the moment our main raw materials are various types of food industry sludge and by-products, refinery sludge, biowaste from communities and the retail industry, as well as farm-produced manure. We focus on long-term development and innovation in the utilisation of the nutritional value and organic material of these raw materials as recyclable nutrients and soil improvers, taking into account the challenges to be faced in the future.

Biovakka's operations are founded on the principle of sustainable development. Our main policies are accountability, knowledge, know-how and research. We have long-standing and wide ranging experience of various raw material streams and different ways of utilising recyclable nutrients in a variety of locations.

Our goal is to promote the use of green energy in Finland, and our long-term goal is to develop the infrastructure of national level biogas plants for processing biodegradable waste.

We are at the forefront of innovative development according to both the Finnish and European standards. This is evidenced by the fact that Biovakka acts as the primus motor in various development projects aimed at utilising biogas energy.

Biovakka's story began in 2002 and has its origins in environmental management. Biovakka was founded in 2002 by Managing Director Jyrki Heilä and 21 farmers from Finland Proper (Varsinais-Suomi). The aim was to refine pig manure in a sensible and appropriate manner, and at the same time reduce odour nuisances. Right from the start the selection of raw materials was extended to include industrial sludge. In addition to this, the company began investing heavily in the development of nutrient recovery and enrichment.

In 2004 we opened Finland's first large scale biogas plant in the Vakka-Suomi region in Vehmaa, in which various types of raw materials are processed. The plant produces biogas out of materials that are still scarcely utilised in Finland.

Our second production plant was opened in Turku in December 2008, focusing on community waste processing.

In April 2009 Biovakka gained a partner, as Gasum Oy acquired a minority share of the company. The goal behind the cooperation is to start producing biogas as transport fuel.

We provide biodegradable waste processing services.

We accept from our raw material suppliers such materials as municipal treatment plant sludge, leftovers from mass caterers, food industry by-products and animal farm manure. These materials are refined into fertilisers, heat, electricity and, in the future, biomethane to be used as transport fuel or for other industrial purposes. The process is carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

Raw materials we accept:

Municipalities and cities
Biodegradable waste and treatment plant sludge.

Food industry
Biodegradable food industry by-products. 

Other industrial companies
Other biodegradable waste masses.

Stores, restaurants and mass caterers
Biodegradable by-products, leftover food currently only accepted without their packaging. In the future we are also able to accept packaged food products.

Agricultural companies
Animal farm manure, field cropping waste.

Septic tanks and enclosed septic tanks
Biovakka Suomi Oy accepts and prepares all septic tank and enclosed septic tank sludge, as well as non-domestic waste waters to be taken to the Turun Seudun Puhdistamo Oy refinery (Turku, Naantali, Raisio, Kaarina, Lieto, Mynämäki, Nousiainen, Masku, Rusko and paimio).

Our biogas plants produce fertilisers and biogas out of materials that are still scarcely utilised in Finland.

A biogas plant is the pioneer of sustainable energy production. It is a combination of three areas of business: waste processing, nutrient recycling and bioenergy production.

We currently provide organic waste processing services at our biogas plants located in Vehmaa and Turku.

Processing capacity at the Vehmaa plant is 120 000 tons/year and its energy efficiency is at 4MW.  The current processing capacity at the Turku plant is 75 000 tons/year and its energy efficiency is at 4MW. The current expansion plans would enable the processing capacity to be increased to 240 000 - 360 000 tons. Our aim is to be able to process more varied types of biodegradable materials at the plant. In addition to waste waters, we are also planning on accepting other industrial, communal and agricultural by-products. It is our intention to refine biogas further into transport fuel.

Plant projects

Biovakka Suomi Oy is planning a network of biogas plants in Finland. In addition to the already established plants in Turku and Vehmaa, Biovakka has been granted environmental permits for several new plants.

The received biodegradable waste is refined into fertilisers, compost raw materials, heat, electricity and, in the future, biomethane to be used as transport fuel or for other industrial purposes. The process is carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

Our plants, which operate in accordance with the Animal by-products Regulation and the regulation relating to fertilisers, produce environmentally friendly organic fertilisers intended for use in field cropping - recyclable nutrients that are as efficient as chemical fertilisers when used properly. In addition to this they improve the carbon balance of the soil.

Biovakka's recyclable nutrients are the environmentally friendly farmer's choice. They are produced out of renewable Finnish raw materials as part of the biogas process. The energy needed in their production is produced during the biogas process, so there is no need for the use of fossil fuels.

Biovakka Nutrients have high-quality hygienic properties as all raw materials go through a hygienisation process where they are exposed to a temperature of +70C for at least an hour. Biovakka Nutrients are suitable for field use as they are, and their nutrients are in a quickly absorbing form for the crop.

The products in the Biovakka Nutrient range are a competitive option for chemical fertilisers. They offer versatile options for different stages of growth and ensure an abundant harvest without putting a strain on the environment.