4 services found
Bridgestone Associates Ltd. Services
Energy Consulting & Advisory Services
Bridgestone Associates, Ltd. provides a comprehensive range of consulting and advisory services to the users, utilities, marketers and producers of energy as well as to owners and operators of energy projects, equipment and service providers and financial institutions involved in the energy ...
Project Development Services
The Company’s principals have been directly involved in the development of numerous renewable energy projects, independent power plants, CHP, co-generation, bio-fuels and other energy facilities throughout the USA and the world. This experience and knowledge is used to take a lead or supporting role in the identification, evaluation, development and implementation of energy related ...
Design, Technical and Engineering Services
Careful design of facilities can be critical to the overall usage of energy and the costs of operations. Often designs are based on least cost or first cost criteria, taking little account of life-cycle and long-term energy related costs. The ability to understand existing or planned operations and to develop practical, cost effective and energy efficient designs is critical to long-term success of most facilities. The careful and experienced design of ...
Energy Audits, Operations Analysis & Demand Side Services
Analysis of existing operations, operational methodologies and practices, and manpower assignments can lead to determination of ways in which overall facility operations costs may be lowered. Benchmarking of existing operations, costs and energy utilization against similar facilities can also provide valid guidance on possible opportunities for cost ...