BTS Biogas

BTS Biogas

5 products found

BTS Biogas Products

  • Biogas Plants

  • lineaFARMYARD - Biogas Plant

    lineaFARMYARD - Biogas Plant

    FARMYARD plants with installed power from 25 to 100 kW are specifically designed for small farms.The opportunity offered is to lucratively make the most of manure (liquid and solid) and any small quantities of agricultural organic material or waste materials. The main feature of these plants is their quick, simple and economic ...

  • lineaFARMER - Model 100kW - 300kW - Small Biogas Plant

    lineaFARMER - Model 100kW - 300kW - Small Biogas Plant

    The small plant FARMER is especially designed for the use of manure from agriculture. The plant size is matched to the average quantities produced. For this purpose, the technology in the large plants is as much as possible simplified and transferred to small variants. Therefore, in the 100 – 300 kW range, the FARMER represents an opportunity allowing smaller and average-sized farms to exploit efficiently and profitably the accumulating quantities ...

  • lineaEVOLUTION - Model 190kW - 1.5MW+ - Biogas Plants

    lineaEVOLUTION - Model 190kW - 1.5MW+ - Biogas Plants

    BTS Biogas EVOLUTION plants are designed to increase biogas plant biological efficiency levels, thereby saving on raw materials. EVOLUTION plants allow you to use even materials that until now were difficult to ferment like straw, corn stalks or grass cuttings. There can also be used seasonal products like tomato skins, olive pomace, citrus pulp, bran, fruits and ...

  • BTS - Model η [ETA]max - Biogas Power Plants

    BTS - Model η [ETA]max - Biogas Power Plants

    Our technicians and experts have developed the most advanced system of biogas power plants, integrating different technology that allow you to achieve the absolute maximum efficiency. In the past, attention was focused mainly on electricity production. Instead, BTS Biogas has always considered it fundamental to optimise the entire enhancement process of delivered products and by-products: from incoming biomass cultivation and management to its ...

  • ruminoPOWER - Biogas Power Plants

    ruminoPOWER - Biogas Power Plants

    With our "ruminoPOWER" series, we have been able to significantly increase the biogas production and biological performance (η – biol) compared to traditional plants, using a two-stage fermentation process. The two-stage process enables the biomass to fully split the biomass and subsequently to achieve the complete fermentation of cellulose and hemicellulose. This allows us to use larger quantities of lingo-cellulosic biomass (e.g. landscaping ...