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Energy Consulting Firms For Government

3 companies found
  • IGW Srl
    Consulting firm
    based in Crema (CR), ITALY

    IGW Srl is an Italian company that was founded in 2012 by the sharing of experience and knowledge of three partners from different sectors: Infrastructure and construction; Environment and waste water treatment; Renewable energy. IGW srl is also an ...

  • NovaLoop GmbH
    Consulting firm
    based in Boeblingen, GERMANY

    NovaLoop GmbH helps companies, amidst increasing regulatory complexity, to gain market access quickly, to communicate with their supply chain efficiently to ensure compliance and to sustainably improve the environmental performance of their ...

  • kartECO- Environmental and Energy Engineering Consultancy
    Consulting firm
    based in Thermi, PO BOX 60824, GREECE

    kartECO provides high Quality services in Environmental consulting, Energy Consulting, Natural Resourse Management (eg. Forestry), IT tools for Env. applications. WebGIS-Remote ...

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