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Energy Software Vendors For Water And Wastewater

4 companies found
  • Decision Makers Ltd.
    Software vendor
    based in Shoam, ISRAEL

    Established in 2008 and headquartered in Shoam, Israel, Decision Makers is dedicated to helping water utilities all over the world detect abnormal water quality event detection without having to invest in additional infrastructure. Because Decision ...

  • Power & Water Systems Consultants Ltd (PWSC)
    Software vendor
    based in Dorking, UNITED KINGDOM

    PWSC was formed in 1983 to provide specialist consulting services associated with the operation and development of water resource, water supply and electricity supply systems. Rising demands, and the threat of greater stream flow variability as a ...

  • Corporate Carbon Data
    Software vendor
    based in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    Corporate Carbon Data is a carbon footprint research company and data vendor offering information and technology services to a wide range of organisations in the world. We provide specialised data and analysis services related to information on ...

  • Ekster and Associates, Inc.
    Software vendor
    based in Boca Raton, FLORIDA (USA)

    Ekster and Associates software has 1-5 years payback period, with shorter payback period for wastewater treatment plants larger than 10 MGD. Ekster and Associates consulting is often provided free of charge to wastewater treatment plants due to ...

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