Carbolite Gero Ltd - part of Verder Scientific

Carbolite Gero Ltd - part of Verder Scientific

7 News & Press Releases found

Carbolite Gero Ltd - part of Verder Scientific News

  • Carbolite ABF 8/28: Afterburner Ashing Furnace

    Carbolite ABF 8/28: Afterburner Ashing Furnace

    Typical applications include residue analysis, the burning of samples to constant weight and also the recovery of precious metals. As these processes can lead to unpleasant smoke and odour, the ABF 8/28 is fitted with a fan assisted pre-exhaust ...

  • Coal, Coke & Iron Ore Testing Furnaces brochure

    Other products are also available for the determination of coke reactivity, iron ore reducibility, ash fusibility, swelling number index, expansion and contraction of coal and caking properties. The range of coal and coke tests carried out in a ...

  • Revised range of high temperature Industrial Chamber Furnaces

    The new HTF models range from 64 to 514 useable litres and all feature ‘up and away’ parallel opening doors for improved operator safety. The maximum cham-ber temperature is 1600°C, 1700°C or 1800°C depending on ...

  • New compact front and top-loading annealing furnaces

    With an inner diameter of 250mm and a uniform zone of approximately 250mm the usable length for a customer’s sample is approximately 10 litres in both furnaces. By using stainless steel radiation shields, high-grade insulation and two ...

  • Optimising connections for ultimate audio experience

    The cables are used to link amplifiers, pre-amps and speakers in systems that are regarded as the pinnacle of audio performance. Customers include Bentley Motors and some of the world’s super-rich searching for the ultimate audio experience. ...

  • Carbolite gero CAF G5: a new generation of ash fusibility furnaces

    When coal is combusted in the furnace of a power plant a powder-shaped residue or a glassy slag (clinker) forms and must be removed. Large coal furnaces suffer from clinker build-up and therefore expensive maintenance due to closure for removal of ...

  • Carbolite and Gero become Carbolite Gero

    This company will provide a portfolio of furnaces and ovens which covers a temperature range from 30°C to 3000°C. Solutions for applications in vacuum and under different atmospheres will be part of the comprehensive offering as well as high ...