Cenergy Solutions

Cenergy Solutions

4 products found

Cenergy Solutions Products

  • Biogas Cleaning Systems

    Biogas Cleaning Systems

    Biogas Digesters make biogas and fertilizer, but they also make Hydrogen Sulfide or H2S which is toxic, corrosive and flammable. Every year people die from H2S poisoning that comes from biogas cooking. The odor of H2S smells like rotten eggs and is heavier than air so it lingers in low ...

  • Biogas Compressors

    Biogas needs to be compressed and stored so that it can be used when needed. When biogas is produced and there is not a good way to store it almost always gets vented or in some cases flared. Why are we wasting biogas that harms our atmosphere and could replace wood, coal or fossil fuel burning when there is a better option? Cenergy Solutions has ways to compress and store your biogas efficiently and economically so that it will be used and never be vented or flared.

  • Model CSHP 201001 - Hand Pump

    Model CSHP 201001 - Hand Pump

    This hand pump is for homes or small farms to fill our CBG and ABG cylinders with biogas. They can pump 280 cubic meters every 15 minutes with human labor. They can fill cylinders up to 40 bar with biogas from a ...

  • Model CS08B1 201001 - Biogas Compressor

    Model CS08B1 201001 - Biogas Compressor

    Specifications: Inlet Suction:0-0.09bar. Working Pressure:20BAR. Type:Piston Compressor. Flow Rate:0.10m³/min. Motor:3HP/0.2KW/220V. Dimensions(L*W*H):710x280x600mm. Operation System :Manual/AutoMode. ...

  • Biogas Cylinders

    When using a biogas digester there was not previously an economical way to move or store the gas for later use or use at another location. This causes the digester owner to have to flare or release the excess biogas. Cenergy Solutions` adsorbed biogas cylinders have solved this problem with the ABG cylinders biogas can now be transported and stored efficiently.

  • 20 Bar Steel Cylinders without Adsorbent

    20 Bar Steel Cylinders without Adsorbent

    These 20 bar steel cylinders are available in 22 and 43 liter sizes. The 22 liter size holds approximately 16 cubic feet or 0.45 cubic meters. The 43 liter size holds approximately 32 cubic feet or 0.9 cubic ...