CKD Blansko Holding, a.s.

CKD Blansko Holding, a.s.

CKD Blansko Holding, a.s.

Blansko factory Hydro water turbines have been produced since 1904. During this time CKD Blansko gained a strong position among suppliers of equipment for water plants all over the world. The total installed capacity exceeds 19,000 MW. With more that 100years of experience we can offer the proven quality to our customers and we are able to meet customerĀ“s most demanding requirements, whether it is machine efficiency or environmental standards. After the First World War comes a turning point. Young Republic is building industry and it requires proper electrification. I`m becoming a pioneer in my field and already under the brand CKD I am suppliing the first turbines to the hydro power plants.

Company details

Gellhornova 1 , Blansko , 678 18 Czech Republic
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Hydro Power
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)
Year Founded:

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
Please, visit the following links for more info:

'In the laboratories of inventors in Europe and America are born machines that will soon become the world's fate and my destiny. Francis was constructing their radial water turbine in 1849 and in 1879 Edison invented the light bulb, Siemens commissioned the first public power plant in 1881. Tesla was spining the first induction motor in 1885. I do not know yet what all this will mean to me. I produce steam machinenes and the age of electricity is beginning. The beginning of the twentieth century caught me in the middle of the new development. Blansko Salm´s Engineering Works are not the inherited property of the nobility, but part of a joint stock company with the bank capital. We caught a second wind. New factory shops are building, the production program is expanding newly including water turbines among the others. After the First World War comes a turning point. Young Republic is building industry and it requires proper electrification. I'm becoming a pioneer in my field and already under the brand CKD I am suppliing the first turbines to the hydro power plants. I'm CKD Blansko“

Introducing of the company owner

Companies in the group ' TYAZHMASH ' are the leading company in the field of heavy, power and transport engineering within the euro in the Asian region. History: Company ' TYAZHMASH ' was founded in 1941 , when it started with the production of defense products . In 1946 began production of portable engines and in 1949 the production of metallurgical equipment started. In 50th years, the company started to produce water turbines. The company added to the production portfolio also ball mills, crushing-and-grinding mills. For the first time the company has achieved international standards in...

Manufacturing program    

Water turbines

  • Large Hydro
  • Small Hydro

Hydro-mechanical Equipment

  • Butterfly valves
  • Spherical valves
  • Other uzávěry

Other equipments

Water machinery research institute
Turnkey projects


We offer:

  • New instalations
  • Upgardings
  • Refurbishments
  • Overhauls

Example of our customers:

  • Alstom / France
  • ČEZ / Czech Republic
  • Enel / Slovakia
  • E-ON / Sweden
  • EPW Warsaw / Poland
  • Fortum / Sweden
  • Povodí / Czech Republic
  • Power Public Corporation / Greece
  • Statkraft / Norway
  • and many others

Engineering production focused on hydro-energetic market under brand CKD Blansko presents the power of tradition, quality of production and human potential, which can reflect market demands also at the present time. The first signs of mechanical engineering in Blansko date back to the late 17th Century.

Significant data of History:

  • 1698 - Blansko estate owner, count Gellhorn, set up the first iron hammer mill in the Punkva river valley.
  • 1766 - Blansko ironworks bought by noble Salm-Reifferscheidt. They extended the iron production, installed new tools, set new work procedures and a scientific knowledge. There is the rapid development of engineering from the twenties of the 19th century,
  • 1896 - Salm sold ironworks and machine to Prague Enterprise Engineering Works Joint Stock Company, formerly Breitfeld - Danek et al . The new owners began to build engineering works with its own foundry.
  • 1927 - The Blansko plant becomes part of Moravian -Kolben - Danek , Inc., and focused on the production of water, mill, food and woodworking machines.
  • 1950 - An independent national firm CKD Blansko. There is a further expansion of metallurgical and engineering plants, increasing the technical level of products. The company specializes in the manufacture of hydro equipment, carousels, heavy machine tools and metallurgy engineering.
  • 1991 - A New joint-stock company called CKD Blansko, which is now fully privatized was established after the political and economic changes in 1989,.
  • 2001 - A new company CKD Blansko Strojirny a.s., as the successor of the industrial production in the valley Punkvy
  • 2007 - Establishment of CKD Blansko Holding , as bringing together business Hydro, Carousels, Wind and production division Strojírny.
  • 2007 - Establishment of subsidiary CKD Blansko Small Hydro s.r.o.
  • 2010 - a new owner and integration into the group of companies JSC TYAZHAMASH .