Clariant International Ltd.

Clariant International Ltd.

4 products found

Clariant International Ltd. Products

  • Catalysts Business Unit

    Catalysts Business Unit

    The Catalysts business unit is a leading global catalyst supplier with a long history of innovation and expertise in catalysis, building on the capability of predecessor company ...

  • Industrial Off-Gas Treatment

    Industrial exhaust gas typically contains a variety of organic compounds, such as chemical by-products, solvents or malodorous compounds. These volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hydrocarbons (HC) are emitted by many industrial processes and need to be eliminated. Some applications also require a decomposition of nitrogen compounds such as NOx, N2O and NH3.

  • EnviCat LongLife - Catalytic Combustors for Wood Stoves

    EnviCat LongLife - Catalytic Combustors for Wood Stoves

    The Catalysts business has been studying the problem of wood heating efficiency for a number of years. Non-Catalytic Wood stoves burning at low or medium level typically send smoke up the chimney, as the secondary combustion chamber is simply not hot enough. In a catalytic stove, when the smoke passes through a Clariant catalytic combustor, the incineration temperature of the smoke is reduced dramatically. Thus the energy stored in the smoke is ...

  • Idodine Absorbtion in Nuclear Power Plants

    Idodine Absorbtion in Nuclear Power Plants

    Iodine Absorption in Nuclear Power Plants - For the removal of radioactive iodine in nuclear power plants and reprocessing plants there is a series of adsorber systems available, proven over decades. These are based on silver or potassium iodide, supported by acid resistant carriers. Products include: AC 6120 and ...

  • Engine Exhaust Catalysts

    Our EnviCatĀ® product range of engine emission control catalysts includes oxidation, particulate control, and NOx reduction technologies for compressed natural gas (CNG), liquid natural gas (LNG), liquid propane gas (LPG), diesel and other alternative fuels.

  • Clariant - Catalysts for Stationary Engines and Gas Turbines

    Clariant - Catalysts for Stationary Engines and Gas Turbines

    Reliable and efficient power supply has become increasingly important across the globe in recent years. State-of-the-art technologies for highly efficient power generation include gas and diesel engines as well as gas turbines and fuel cells. Emissions from these engines can exceed the desired emission levels. In combination with catalytic emission control as a secondary measure, regulatory emission limits can be met and even surpassed, thus reducing the ...