Clariant International Ltd.

Clariant International Ltd.

2 products found

Clariant International Ltd. Products

  • Industrial Off-Gas Treatment

    Industrial exhaust gas typically contains a variety of organic compounds, such as chemical by-products, solvents or malodorous compounds. These volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hydrocarbons (HC) are emitted by many industrial processes and need to be eliminated. Some applications also require a decomposition of nitrogen compounds such as NOx, N2O and NH3.

  • EnviCat LongLife - Catalytic Combustors for Wood Stoves

    EnviCat LongLife - Catalytic Combustors for Wood Stoves

    The Catalysts business has been studying the problem of wood heating efficiency for a number of years. Non-Catalytic Wood stoves burning at low or medium level typically send smoke up the chimney, as the secondary combustion chamber is simply not hot enough. In a catalytic stove, when the smoke passes through a Clariant catalytic combustor, the incineration temperature of the smoke is reduced dramatically. Thus the energy stored in the smoke is ...

  • Idodine Absorbtion in Nuclear Power Plants

    Idodine Absorbtion in Nuclear Power Plants

    Iodine Absorption in Nuclear Power Plants - For the removal of radioactive iodine in nuclear power plants and reprocessing plants there is a series of adsorber systems available, proven over decades. These are based on silver or potassium iodide, supported by acid resistant carriers. Products include: AC 6120 and ...