0 Current Events found
Clarke Energy Current Events
3 Past Events found
Clarke Energy Past Events
District Heating Conference 2016
Manchester, MI, USAThe Association for Decentralised Energy's annual District Heating Conference and Marketplace is the industry event to network, exhibit and learn about the latest best practice in the district heating sector. The event is packed with key stakeholders from local authorities, government, housing associations, academics, consultants and industry. In the 2015 Spending Review, Government announced a £300m fund to support up to 200 heat ...
Setting the Standard for quality CHP
Cheshire, United KingdomClarke Energy, authorised distributer and service partner for GE Gas Engines in 11 territories, supported by the Combined Heat and Power Association will, on the 6th June 2013, be presenting an informative and educational webinar on combined heat and power (CHP) systems and their applications. The webinar will cover an array of key technical discussion points including (but not limited to): Feasibility analysis and ...
Nigeria Oil and Gas Technology (NOGTech) Conference and Exhibition 2013
Lagos, NigeriaNigeria Oil and Gas Technology (NOGTech) conference and exhibition 2013 will demonstrate how the adoption of new technology can improve cost reduction and increase efficiency and production, three of the most important considerations for the Nigerian oil and gas industry. Focusing on local and international case studies, NOGTech is the perfect best practice and knowledge sharing platform, ...