6 services found
CleanTech Energy Solutions, Inc. Services
Solar Electricity Services
Solar electric panels or photovoltaic modules. Or even PV for short. Call them your new best friends. By converting energy from the sun into electrical power, they provide a clean, efficient and reliable energy source that’s as good for the planet as it is for the ...
Solar Water Heating Services
Stop your energy dollars from going down the drain. Solar water heating converts sunshine into hot water to offset energy loads, typically provided by expensive natural gas or electricity. Now, that’s ...
Solar Pool Heating Services
Heating your pool with the power of the sun is a no-brainer. The sunshine is poolside each day anyway. You might as well put it to work – saving you big bucks in energy heating costs. Get the most out of your pool investment by extending your swimming season without straining your energy ...
Wind Power Services
As they say, the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. Wind power provides the most cost-effective green energy solution of all, generating power even after the sun goes down. Wind power is non-polluting and offers the quickest payback for both residential and commercial property ...
Green Consulting Services
Cleaner energy is just the beginning. We make it simple to do the right thing for your home, business and planet by delivering the complete green package. Our valued added services include: Energy audits. Recycling programs. Green purchasing (procurement of sustainable materials and suppliers). Sustainability compliance and ...
Because solar panels have no moving parts, mechanical failures are not a concern. However, routine maintenance will ensure that your systems provide consistent, reliable service for years to come. CleanTech Energy Solutions is proud to provide world-class maintenance service on all types of solar and wind powered systems, whether we installed them or not. You can count on our team to be there when you need us. ...