Clique Solar

Clique Solar

3 products found

Clique Solar Products

  • ARUN - Model 160 - Solar Concentrator Dish

    ARUN - Model 160 - Solar Concentrator Dish

    The ARUN dish is a Fresnel paraboloid solar concentrator with a point focus. It can handle various heat transfer fluids including steam, hot oil, hot water or even hot air at temperatures up to 350°C and pressures up to 25 bar. The low area required for installation makes it ideal for industries with space ...

  • ARUN - Model 30 - Solar Concentrator Dish

    ARUN - Model 30 - Solar Concentrator Dish

    The ARUN® dish is a Fresnel paraboloid solar concentrator with a point focus. It can handle various heat transfer fluids including steam, hot oil, hot water or even hot air at temperatures up to 350°C and pressures up to 25 bar. The low area required for installation makes it ideal for industries with space ...

  • ARUN - Model 100 - Solar Concentrator Dish

    ARUN - Model 100 - Solar Concentrator Dish

    The ARUN dish is a Fresnel paraboloid solar concentrator with a point focus. It can handle various heat transfer fluids including steam, hot oil, hot water or even hot air at temperatures up to 350°C and pressures up to 25 bar. The low area required for installation makes it ideal for industries with space ...