5 services found
Technical Consulting Services
Coenergia provides technical advice at the highest level for all products sold. Boasting many years of experience in the field of photovoltaics and a thorough knowledge of each individual brands in its portfolio, the technical department Coenergia is able to suggest a case by case combinations of the most efficient ...
Project Consulting Services
Advices provided by Coenergia do not stop at just materials: fundamental support at the project level in the system design, in the search for the maximum utilization of the areas of installation and, more generally, in the techniques of optimization of the ...
Post-Sales Service
Support designers and installers in the first draft of a project on which to make a realistic estimate of the costs. The project will then have to be examined and finalized by your technical ...
Services by Solarwatt AG
FullCoverage Services
You can’t avoid bad luck. But you can avoid expensive consequences. With a SOLARWATT system, you’re opting for longevity and security. Our 30-year product and performance guarantee protects you against module faults and disproportionate degradation in module performance throughout the entire usage period. Nevertheless, material damage or loss may still occur due to hail, theft, or animal activity, e.g. rodent damage. That’s why we also ...
Guarantee Service
Repair by SOLARWATT on site at the customer's premises. Repair directly by SOLARWATT or a trusted third party. Delivery of an additional module. Exchange for replacement ...