Conserval Engineering Inc.

Conserval Engineering Inc.

Conserval Engineering Inc.

Conserval is the global market leader in the renewable energy sector we created; Solar Air Heating. Since our founder John Hollick invented the transpired solar collector (branded as SolarWall heating), Conserval has designed and manufactured thousands of SolarWall air heating systems worldwide for commercial and industrial buildingsā€“eliminating tens of thousands of tons of CO2 emissions each and every year! There are over 5 million square feet of SolarWall air heating systems on 6 continents across the globe, from Alaska to the South Pole. These systems are helping businesses and municipalities achieve their energy goals and reduce their carbon footprint.

Company details

200 Wildcat Rd. , Toronto , ON M3J2N5 Canada
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Solar Energy
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)

Conserval Engineering has been delivering custom engineered renewable energy solutions for over 30 years. We are the company that invented and commercialized solar air heating (branded as 'SolarWall') around the world. This technology was praised by the U.S. Department of Energy as being in the 'top two percent of energy related inventions'.

Conserval manufactures and designs SolarWall systems for a wide variety of applications and clients around the globe. Due to the specialized nature of solar air heating, Conserval can also offer the following services in addition to designing and supplying a SolarWall system:

  1. Consulting services on solar air heating and PV/Thermal;
  2. Feasibility studies to evaluate potential sites and applications for their solar air heating suitability;
  3. SolarWall monitoring
  4. Project management

To date, Conserval has supplied and designed millions of square feet of SolarWall systems in over 33 countries. This means that SolarWall systems are reducing tens of thousands of tons of CO2 each and every year. 

Conserval’s unparalleled experience in solar air heating, in terms of everything from system design to the manufacturing of the technology, has allowed the company to perfect an energy solution that has the fastest solar payback available in the commercial and industrial market. This is verified by extensive field usage, monitoring reports, and an independent feasibility analysis tool called RETScreen.Conserval participated in the creation of RETScreen, and the module for solar air heaters was based on the SolarWall transpired collector.

Just as the SolarWall technology came to define the global solar air heating sector, due to its high efficiency and rapid return on investment, the new SolarWall PV/Thermal system also promises to shift the technological paradigm in terms of solar cogeneration systems.

Since its inception in 1977, Conserval’s approach has been focused on cost effective turnkey projects to save energy for commercial and industrial clients. During the 1980’s, the company focused on large building integrated solar heating projects with an increasing emphasis on developing solutions using proprietary technology.

Conserval Engineering has been the market leader in solar air heating technology for the commercial and industrial sector with their invention of the transpired solar collector (known as “SolarWall”), and has been the driving force for having it recognized at a governmental level as a class of 'solar thermal' technology.  

Similarly, Conserval is also a leader in hybrid PV/Thermal systems, turning the problem of “excess PV heat” into a marketable solution by utilizing the heat energy and improving the PV efficiency through solar cogeneration.

Past clients include private and public sector organizations like the U.S. Army, Canadian Government, Toyota, NASA, Ford, FedEx, Owens Corning, Wal-Mart and 3M as well as over 2000+ other customers in the commercial, industrial, institutional and agricultural sectors.

Conserval has established The SolarWall Foundation, a Canadian solar charity, to support Conserval’s vision of incorporating solar heating on schools and non-profit buildings to enable children and others to experience and learn about the benefits of solar energy.

The Conserval group of companies and representatives span the USA, Canada, Asia and Europe with projects as far away as the South Pole.

We are proud members of: the Canadian Solar Industries Association ( CanSIA), the New York Solar Energy Industries Association ( NYSEIA), the Solar Energy Industries Association ( SEIA) the U.S. Green Building Council ( USGBC), and the Solar Air Heating World Industries Association ( SAHWIA).

The SolarWall Foundation has been established by John Hollick, founding partner in Conserval Engineering and his family, to support their vision of utilizing solar heating on buildings such as schools, universities, hospitals and community centers. Hollick believes that most buildings can benefit from on-site solar energy production and that is the goal of The SolarWall Foundation, to provide funding for solar energy systems to both reduce usage of fossil fuels for generations to come and for children at solar heated schools to experience and learn about the benefits of solar energy.

The SolarWall Foundation recognizes the financial challenges to achieve these goals. With donations from individuals and other Foundations, solar energy can become a part of the world’s energy future.