COSA Xentaur - a brand by Process Insights, Inc.

COSA Xentaur - a brand by Process Insights, Inc.

COSA Xentaur - a brand by Process Insights, Inc.

COSA Xentaur is our product line of calorimeters for measuring Wobbe Index, heating value (BTU) and the Combustion Air Requirement Index (CARI), which we manufacture in Houston, TX. We also offer a complete line of dew point meters and transmitters, and relative humidity hygrometers ideal for a wide range of industrial applications. For decades, our COSA line has been serving the aerospace, chemical, food and beverage, medical, petrochemical, semiconductor, energy, and pharmaceutical industries. All of our COSA dew point meters contain our patented Hyper-Thin-Film (HTF™) Technology. HTF is based on major advances in thin-film technology and metal oxide sciences. It provides measurements with a sensitivity several orders of magnitude larger than of those made with all other technologies. HTF aluminum oxide sensors are resistant to drift and insensitive to temperature changes over most of their range.

Company details

4140 World Houston Pkwy Ste 180 , Houston , TX 77032 USA
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Monitoring and Testing
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)
Year Founded: