CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group

CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group

47 Books found

CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group Books

  • Introduction to Renewable Energy, Second Edition

    Introduction to Renewable Energy, Second Edition

    This book integrates economic, social, environmental, policy and engineering issues related to renewable energy. It covers fundamentals, including the transfer of energy, as well as the limitations of natural resources. Starting with solar power, the text illustrates how energy from the sun is transferred and stored; used for heating, cooling and lighting; collected and concentrated and converted into electricity. This new edition has been ...

  • Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts and Technologies: A Multidisciplinary Perspective

    Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts and Technologies: A Multidisciplinary Perspective

    Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts and Technologies: A Multidisciplinary Perspective serves as an introduction to hydraulic fracturing and provides balanced coverage of its benefits and potential negative effects. Presenting a holistic assessment of hydraulic fracturing and its environmental impacts, this book chronicles the history and development of unconventional oil and gas production and describes the risks associated with the use of these ...

  • Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy

    Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy

    All energy sources affect the environment in which we live. While fossil fuels may essentially do more harm, renewable energy sources can also pose a threat to the environment. Allowing for the various renewable energy sources: solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal, Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy examines the environmental effects of all available renewable or alternative sources, as they increasingly play a large part in our ...

  • Geothermal Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment, Second Edition

    Geothermal Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment, Second Edition

    Geothermal Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment, Second Edition expounds on the geothermal industry, exploring the expansion, growth, and development of geothermal systems. This text covers every area of geothermal energy, including environmental and economic issues, and technological advancements. Considers the Vast Technological Achievements within the Geothermal Industry Factoring in new concepts for distributed generation, ...

  • Solar Cell Technology and Applications

    Solar Cell Technology and Applications

    Solar cell technology will not realize its full potential until mass scale photovoltaic conversion for domestic, commercial, and industrial applications become economically feasible. This volume brings active researchers and potential manufacturers and investors up to date on the newest advances in the field, covering the latest in materials including low-cost high-efficiency elements and the newest approaches in solar cell designs. With a ...

  • Solar Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment

    Solar Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment

    Drawing on the authors’ extensive research and project implementation around the globe, Solar Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment covers solar energy resources, thermal and photovoltaic systems, and the economics involved in using solar energy. It provides background theory on solar energy as well as useful technical information for implementing solar energy applications. The book details the strengths, weaknesses, and ...

  • Energy Portfolios: Customization and Management

    Energy Portfolios: Customization and Management

    Report on energy as of one of the most important issues of the twenty-first century. It discuses how countries deal with the composition of their energy portfolio, consistent with the endowment of energy resources, technologies and social, economical and environmental impacts, like CO2 emissions. In detail, the diversification of energy sources is treated. The role of non-carbon emitting sources (e.g. nuclear power) and renewable energy sources ...

  • Wind Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment

    Wind Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment

    Due to the mounting demand for energy and increasing population of the world, switching from nonrenewable fossil fuels to other energy sources is not an option—it is a necessity. Focusing on a cost-effective option for the generation of electricity, Wind Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment covers all facets of wind energy and wind turbines. The book begins by outlining the history of wind energy, before providing reasons to shift ...

  • Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Materials Properties and Performance

    Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Materials Properties and Performance

    Although the high operating temperature of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) creates opportunities for using a variety of fuels, including low-grade hydrogen and those derived from biomass, it also produces difficulties in materials performance and often leads to materials degradation during operation. These obstacles have proven to be challenges in the path to greater commercialization. Focusing on materials-related issues, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: ...

  • Handbook of Plant-Based Biofuels

    Handbook of Plant-Based Biofuels

    With the depletion of oil resources as well as the negative environmental impact of fossil fuels, there is much interest in alternative energy sources. Focusing on some of the most important alternate energy sources for the foreseeable future, the Handbook of Plant-Based Biofuels provides state-of-the-art information on the status of the production of biofuels, in particular, bioethanol and biodiesel. ...

  • Hydrogen Fuel: Production, Transport, and Storage

    Hydrogen Fuel: Production, Transport, and Storage

    From Methane to Hydrogen—Making the Switch to a Cleaner Fuel Source The world’s overdependence on fossil fuels has created environmental problems, such as air pollution and global warming, as well as political and economic unrest. With water as its only by-product and its availability in all parts of the world, hydrogen promises to be the next great fuel source. All of the Key Aspects of Hydrogen Fuel Hydrogen Fuel: ...

  • Handbook of Energy Engineering, Sixth Edition

    Handbook of Energy Engineering, Sixth Edition

    Covering the latest codes and standards and the Energy Independence and Security Act, this edition includes information on software packages from the Best Practices Program of the U.S. Department of Energy; and emerging technologies such as oxy-fuel combustion, high efficiency burners, enhanced heat exchangers, and ceramic membranes for heat recovery. This reference will guide you step by step in applying the principles of energy engineering and ...

  • Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge

    Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge

    As energy demands continue to surge worldwide, the need for more efficient and environmentally neutral energy production also becomes increasingly apparent. Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge presents a well-rounded perspective on the development of bio-based feedstocks, biodegradable plastics, hydrogen energy, fuel cells, and other aspects related to renewable resources and sustainable energy ...

  • Alcoholic Fuels

    Alcoholic Fuels

    Scientists and engineers have made significant advances over the last two decades to achieve feasible, cost-efficient processes for the large-scale production of alternative, environmentally friendly sources of energy. Alcoholic Fuels describes the latest methods for producing fuels containing varying percentages of alcohol alongside the various applications they benefit, including combustion engines, fuel cells, and miniature power ...

  • Understanding Broadband over Power Line

    Understanding Broadband over Power Line

    Understanding Broadband over Power Line explores all aspects of the emerging technology that enables electric utilities to provide support for high-speed data communications via their power infrastructure. This book examines the two methods used to connect consumers and businesses to the Internet through the utility infrastructure: the existing electrical wiring of a home or office; and a wireless local area network (WLAN) access ...

  • Protective Relaying for Power Generation Systems

    Protective Relaying for Power Generation Systems

    Power outages have considerable social and economic impacts, and effective protection schemes are crucial to avoiding them. While most textbooks focus on the transmission and distribution aspects of protective relays, Protective Relaying for Power Generation Systems is the first to focus on protection of motors and generators from a power generation perspective. It also includes workbook constructions that allow students to perform ...

  • Synchronous Generators

    Synchronous Generators

    Surveying the technologies used to satisfy the world´s demand for open, efficient, and clean electricity, Synchronous Generators provides an in-depth examination of synchronous generators for both stand-alone and grid-connected applications. Part of The Electric Generators Handbook, Two-Volume Set, this book offers authoritative, tightly focused treatment of the topologies, steady state and transients modeling, performance, control, design, and ...

  • Variable Speed Generators

    Variable Speed Generators

    Surveying the technologies used to satisfy the world´s demand for open, efficient, and clean electricity, Variable Speed Generators provides an in-depth examination of variable-speed generators for both stand-alone and grid-connected applications. Part of The Electric Generators Handbook, Two-Volume Set, this work offers authoritative, tightly focused treatment of the topologies, steady state and transients modeling, performance, control, ...

  • Gasification Technologies: A Primer for Engineers and Scientists

    Gasification Technologies: A Primer for Engineers and Scientists

    In contrast to traditional combustion, gasification technologies offer the potential for converting coal and low or negative-value feedstocks, such as petroleum coke and various waste materials into usable energy sources or chemicals. With a growing number of companies operating and marketing systems based on gasification concepts worldwide, this book combines the latest information and real-world experience in developing gasification ...

  • Wind and Solar Power Systems: Design, Analysis, and Operation, Second Edition

    Wind and Solar Power Systems: Design, Analysis, and Operation, Second Edition

    The search for clean, renewable energy sources has yielded enormous growth and new developments in these technologies in a few short years, driving down costs and encouraging utilities in many nations, both developed and developing, to add and expand wind and solar power capacity. The first, best-selling edition of Wind and Solar Power Systems provided the most complete and modern treatment of renewable energy. This second edition continues the ...