ecoprog GmbH

ecoprog GmbH

ecoprog GmbH

ecoprog is a consultancy specialising in the fields of environmental and energy technology. It has developed into a renowned expert on these markets. ecoprog’s typical activities include market and competition analyses, commercial due diligence, economic feasibility studies and material flow analyses. ecoprog also partners with many of the world’s most important environmental and energy technology markets, and serves local markets with professional consultants who all have expert knowledge of their respective fields. As our clients expand globally, we are also expanding our international expertise levels. ecoprog - Market Report Waste to Energy - The World Market for Waste Incineration Plants ecoprog GmbH ... plants with more than 4,100 incineration units worldwide the description and analysis of almost 890 planned projects throughout the world the explanation of backgrounds,

Company details

Krefelder Str. 18 , Cologne , 50670 Germany
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Business Type:
Consulting firm
Industry Type:
Waste to Energy
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
Please, visit the following links for more info:

Mark Döing, who still owns the company today, founded ecoprog as an independent consultancy in early 2005. Before, he had worked many years as a project manager, senior consultant and general agent in consulting. In doing so, he gained experience in consulting listed concerns and medium-sized companies, as well as in counselling governmental departments, municipal and regional authorities and their subsidiary institutions.

Over the past three years, ecoprog and its partners in more than 15 countries in Europe, Asia and North America have successfully realised more than 30 consultancy projects.

We are happy to give you further information on ecoprog GmbH upon request.