5 products found
Elgin Separation Solutions Products
Small Hydro Intake Equipment
Coanda Power Screens
Coanda Power Screens are modular intake structures including screens, accelerators, support frames, and controls. No secondary desilter is required. The modules are simply placed, leveled, and set into a ...
Small Hydro Powerhouse Equipment
Coanda Powerhouse System
The Coanda Powerhouse is an integrated system of controls and turbines designed to change water into power, control the system, and connect to a local or central grid. A Coanda Powerhouse is easy to site, size, and specify. The unique design and ACISTTM control algorithm helps Elgin Water Solutions to make small hydro simple. The Coanda Power House includes small turbines, generators, and controls designed for ease of installation, control, and ...
Switchgear Equipment
Modular Substations
Elgin Water Solutions builds modular distribution and power factor correction equipment to accelerate a project and improve its bottom ...
Mobile Substations
Elgin Water Solutions has a unique ability to determine a customers electrical needs, engineer the system, price it, and integrate individual components into a functioning system. Our clients have the assurance of one responsible entity from concept to test and on through completion and commissioning at a competitive ...
Turnkey Plants
Turnkey Hydro Plants
For some projects, Elgin Water and our global team of affiliates provide a combination of equipment and design to provide a complete package that is simple to site, design, install, and ...