Energy Generating Sets

Energy Generating Sets

4 products found

Energy Generating Sets Products

  • Professional Portable Generating Sets

  • Energy - Model 3000 rpm - Gasoline/Diesel - Air Cooled

    Energy - Model 3000 rpm - Gasoline/Diesel - Air Cooled

    What needs do professional electric generators meet? Firstly, they resolve power failure problems during black-outs in different ambients, from homes to companies. These electric generators are also used to provide electric current on construction sites and for hobby ...

  • Special Trasporter Generating Sets

  • Energy Lombardini - Model Traveller - Diesel Engine Generators

    Energy Lombardini - Model Traveller - Diesel Engine Generators

    When you need to install an electric power generator on transport vehicles as vans, trucks, emergency vehicles and other types, special transporter electric generators are the best solution, as they are ideal in small spaces. In fact, these machines are compact, silent and reliable, as they guarantee the distribution of continuous electric ...

  • Lighting Towers

  • Energy - Model Midnight - Portable Lighting Towers Generator

    Energy - Model Midnight - Portable Lighting Towers Generator

    These electric generators are designed to be temporary light sources in areas where there is no electric current or poor lighting and/or where you want to improve lighting temporarily. The sectors in which lighting towers are in great demand are on construction sites, in sports grounds, in warehouses, camping areas and areas used to shelter people in the case of emergencies as earthquakes, floods, ...

  • ATS Panel Mains/Genset