


Ensoleir Means reliable high-quality environmental solutions for your needs. Ensoleir works with individuals and commercial institutions to reduce their energy costs, provide healthy drinking water and decrease environmental impact We offer consultancy and excellent renewable energy systems for domestic and commercial energy requirements. Our systems support jobs for Irish farmers and Irish mechanical engineering firms. The word Ensoleir stands for Energy Solutions Éire (Ireland). Ensoleir delivers reliable high-quality, cost reducing and environmentally friendly heating solutions for your needs. We also provide complete treatment solutions for your drinking water. Our products support jobs for Irish farmers and Irish engineering firms.

Company details

Merrycourt Shanaglish nr Gort , Co Galway , Ireland
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Internationally (various countries)

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
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About the Ensoleir Founding members

Fritz Mohn Founder/Owner   Agricultural engineer

Fritz the founder of Ensoleir is a German-born agricultural engineer and is living in Ireland since 2008. He has stronglinks with the German manufacturers in the industry and is keenly building relationships in his new homeland of Ireland with growers, service providers including installers and plumbers as well as parts and fuel suppliers. Fritz has always been involved in agriculture, food processing and heat technology. He has a strong sense for method and provides practical and quality-driven solutions in the area of environmentally-friendly products for home, farm and small business.


Our reliable consultation services will focus on providing the most cost effective heating solutions for your requirements. This may include highlighting the need for insulation and draught improvements as well as integrating our well-engineered heating systems into your building.


We examine your energy demands and requirements as well as how you currently generate heat. These values and factors are then analysed to determine the optimum heat source. An Excel formula developed by Ensoleir is then used to demonstrate the economical benefits of a product.

Our Philosophy 

We sell products of the highest quality standards at reasonable prices. 

Our products are rugged, efficient, economically and environmental friendly. Through consultancy our clients are thoroughly informed of the ideal choices for their requirements and are assured of a high standard of after sales support.