Federal Signal Corporation

Federal Signal Corporation


2 products found

Federal Signal Corporation Products

  • Police Vehicle Equipment - SignalMaster

    The low-profile design of our police stick lights will fit in the rear of most police cars to provide added safety to the officer. The LED stick lights direct rear-approaching vehicles away from the scene.

  • Federal Signal CN SignalMaster - Police and Fire LED Directional Warning Lights

    Federal Signal CN SignalMaster - Police and Fire LED Directional Warning Lights

    CN SignalMaster LED directional warning lights provide advanced warning and directional lights for police cars, fire trucks, and other emergency vehicles. The CN SignalMaster can quickly be changed from a warning light to a directional LED light with Federal Signal’s Spectralux® technology. SpectraLux multicolor LED technology allows for a single LED source to change while in motion. Built with Federal Signal’s exclusive Solaris® LED ...

  • Federal Signal Latitude SignalMaster - Police and Fire Directional Warning Light

    Federal Signal Latitude SignalMaster - Police and Fire Directional Warning Light

    The Latitude™ SignalMaster™ represents an addition to the comprehensive lineup of SignalMaster™ directional lighting solutions offered by Federal Signal. Each unit is furnished with a trio of LEDs per location alongside the company's patented Solaris® LED reflectors. These features collectively ensure that the Latitude SignalMaster stick light delivers superior optical performance, enhancing the visibility and safety of any vehicle ...