Flame Spray SpA

Flame Spray SpA

19 products found

Flame Spray SpA Products

  • Technology - Thermal Spray

  • Model HVOF - Thermal Spray System

    Model HVOF - Thermal Spray System

    Coatings sprayed by HVOF have superior characteristics in comparison with other thermal spray processes. In particular they show a high density, high bond strength, a great wear resistance (for carbides), an excellent corrosion resistance (for metal coatings) and high thicknesses. Flame Spray uses a liquid fuel High Pressure HVOF to spray almost oxide free metal coatings and carbides with excellent wear-resistance ...

  • Model ID-HVOF - Internal Diameter Thermal Spray System (ID)

    Model ID-HVOF - Internal Diameter Thermal Spray System (ID)

    The application of wear resistant coating in internal diameter (ID) has always been a big challenge for thermal spray techniques. Being Line of Sight technologies, they could coat surfaces that the torch can “see”. In the past, only APS and Flame wire torches could be mounted on extenders to enter small ID. Flame Spray is using the latest technology in miniaturize HVOF and can coat a diameter as small as 70 mm. With this ID-HVOF the ...

  • Electric Arc System

    Electric Arc System

    An electric arc is used to provide the heat source by utilising two current carrying wires. As the wires are fed towards each other the electric current short circuits between the wires creating a temperature of around 4,000°C. This temperature causes the tips of the wire to melt and once molten, compressed air or inert gas is used to atomise and accelerate the feed metal towards the substrate. One of the advantages of this system is that two ...

  • Cold Spray System

    Cold Spray System

    Cold Spray is a high-rate coating process that utilizes kinetic rather than thermal energy to build-up layers of metallic materials. During the process, the powder feedstock remains well below its melting point inside supersonic nitrogen flux and are accelerated to very high velocities (200 m/s to 1000 m/s). The bonding between coating and substrate is achieved by plastic deformation through adiabatic shear instabilities of the powder particles that hit ...

  • Technology - External Cladding Insulation

  • Plasma Transferred Arc (PTA)

    Plasma Transferred Arc (PTA)

    The powder used in PTA cladding is normally of a metallic nature, and is injected into the system by coaxial nozzles (in coaxial technique). The interaction of the metallic powder stream and the Plasma (formed by the interaction of the gas and the arc generated between the electrode and the material to be cladded) causes melting to occur, and is known as the melt pool. This is deposited onto a substrate; moving the substrate allows the melt pool to ...

  • Technology - Diffusion

  • Diffusion Coating

    Diffusion Coating

    Aluminizing has proven to be a cost effective way to increasing the resistance of metals from corrosion and ...

  • Gas Turbines

  • LT Corrosion

    LT Corrosion

    Wet corrosion takes place in environments where the relative humidity is fairly high. The corrosion may cause a uniform destruction or localized destruction (pitting, stress corrosion cracking) of the metal surface. The gas turbine's axial compressors operate in aggressive environmental conditions where low temperature corrosion phenomena, like wet corrosion, are very frequent. Aluminum based slurry coatings are widely used and approved for protection ...

  • Droplet Erosion

    Droplet Erosion

    Gas turbines are generally considered the most cost effective and relatively environment-friendly large scale power generation technology, but their capacity as well as their thermal efficiency degrades under high ambient temperature conditions. Fogging Systems provide the most cost effective technique to recover this lost gas turbine capacity through adiabatic cooling of the gas turbine inlet air by the spraying of atomized water in the axial ...

  • Caboflam - Model H 500 Series - High-Pressure Combustion Equipment

    Caboflam - Model H 500 Series - High-Pressure Combustion Equipment

    Caboflam H trademark identifies Flame Spray's technological processes for carbide coatings in metallic matrix through high-pressure combustion equipment (HP/HVOF). These types of coatings exhibit excellent bond strength, higher micro hardness and density than those produced with traditional detonation ...

  • Alloy - Model H 500 Series - High-Pressure Combustion Equipment

    Alloy - Model H 500 Series - High-Pressure Combustion Equipment

    Flame Spray has developed a specific process, Alloy H 500 series, for metallic coatings through high-pressure combustion equipment (HP/HVOF). A peculiarity of the Alloy H 500 series processes consists in the possibility to obtain very dense coatings with excellent bond strength, better oxidation and corrosion and wear resistance than those produced with traditional detonation ...

  • Alucote - Model HT - Oxidation Coating

    Alucote - Model HT - Oxidation Coating

    Aluminizing has proven to be a cost effective way of increasing the resistance of metals to oxidation and corrosion at high temperature. Although for some markets it is a mature technology, new application methods and new formulations continuously extend its application field. Ni, Co, Fe, Ti base alloys can successfully be treated with modern aluminizing ...

  • Alloy - Model H 900 Series - Oxidation Coating

    Alloy - Model H 900 Series - Oxidation Coating

    Flame Spray has developed a specific process, Alloy H 900 series, for metallic coatings through high-pressure combustion equipment (HP/HVOF). A peculiarity of the Alloy H 900 series processes consists in the possibility to obtain very dense coatings with excellent bond strength, better oxidation and corrosion resistance than those produced with traditional detonation ...

  • Alucote - HT Corrosion

    Alucote - HT Corrosion

    Aluminizing has proven to be a cost effective way of increasing the resistance of metals to oxidation and corrosion at high temperature. Although for some markets it is a mature technology, new application methods and new formulations continuously extend its application field. Ni, Co, Fe, Ti base alloys can successfully be treated with modern aluminizing ...

  • Alloy - Model H 900 Series - HT Corrosion

    Alloy - Model H 900 Series - HT Corrosion

    Flame Spray has developed a specific process, Alloy H 900 series, for metallic coatings through high-pressure combustion equipment (HP/HVOF). A peculiarity of the Alloy H 900 series processes consists in the possibility to obtain very dense coatings with excellent bond strength, better oxidation and corrosion resistance than those produced with traditional detonation ...

  • Spraylast - Model 287 - Thermal Load

    Spraylast - Model 287 - Thermal Load

    The Spraylast 287 series includes various types of Yttria Partially Stabilized Zirconia (YPSZ) coatings, all characterized by a very low thermal conductivity. Spraylast™ 287 coatings are the perfect solution where high Thermal loads have to be faced. Gas turbines and other large industrial equipment with high thermal efficiencies contain components or parts that are subjected to immense thermal stress (like thermal fatigue). To contain this stress ...

  • Waste Burners

  • Severe and High Temperature Corrosion

    Severe and High Temperature Corrosion

    At metal temperatures higher than 350°C with high chlorine percentage in the fuel gas, catalytic corrosion of carbon/low alloy steel can reach metal wastages of > 2 ...

  • Moderate and Low Temperature Corrosion

    Moderate and Low Temperature Corrosion

    In sections of the system where, for a combination of lower temperature and low contaminant content, metal wastage caused by corrosion is lower than 1 mm, thermal spray technologies can offer excellent, cost effective ...

  • Oil and Gas

  • Metal to Metal in valves

    Metal to Metal in valves

    Valves in petrochemical applications have to face very severe operating conditions in which corrosion and wear are very critical factors for the service life cycle. Metal to Metal (MtM) valves can guarantee superior protection against such ...

  • Hydropower

  • Caboflam - Erosion Carbide Coating

    Caboflam - Erosion Carbide Coating

    Caboflam H trademark identifies Flame Spray's technological processes for carbide coatings in metallic matrix through high-pressure combustion equipment (HP/HVOF). These types of coatings exhibit excellent bond strength, higher micro hardness and density than those produced with traditional detonation equipment. Solids contained in water cause wear on critical components, such as needle valves and runners for Pelton turbines, and blades and runners for ...