Form Energy

Form Energy

2 products found

Form Energy Products

  • Battery Systems

    Battery Systems

    Multi-day storage, the pathway to a clean, reliable and secure grid. To run the grid reliably and affordably, we need new cost-effective technologies capable of storing electricity for multiple days. In pursuit of this, we have reinvented and optimized the iron-air battery for the electric grid. The active components of our iron-air battery system are some of the safest, cheapest, and most abundant materials on the planet — low-cost iron, water, and ...

  • Grid Modeling Toolkit

    Grid Modeling Toolkit

    Pioneering new grid modeling tools for a clean energy future. Form Energy is driven by the notion that the market needs of today and tomorrow should define multi-day energy storage technology specifications. To that end, at founding, Form Energy sought to use existing capacity expansion models to understand the needs and dynamics of zero and near-zero carbon, high renewables grids, a large and quickly growing segment of the market. After surveying the ...