Fornasier Cesare & C. snc

Fornasier Cesare & C. snc

Fornasier Cesare & C. snc

Fornasier Cesare & C., a company with a long history in nursery machinery, is situated in Rauscedo, the world centre for the production of vine shoot cuttings. It was founded in the 1970s by a family of gardeners who began specialising in nursery machinery for their own personal needs. Since then, thanks to the success of their work, the company has made a name for its products at international level. With the skill that comes from direct experience, Fornasier Cesare & C. now designs and builds technologically advanced machines providing the most suitable solutions for every phase of work with a wide range of products and models specifically designed to meet the requirements of nursery gardeners and vine-growers. Fornasier Cesare & C., strong in experience acquired in the viticulture field, with its machines that operate all over the world.

Company details

Via Udine, 13 , Rauscedo (PN) , 33095 Italy
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