For.Tec. Forniture Tecnologiche S.r.l.

For.Tec. Forniture Tecnologiche S.r.l.

8 products found

For.Tec. Forniture Tecnologiche S.r.l. Products

  • Incinerators for Animal Carcasses and Organic Waste

  • For.Tec. - Model ROTOMAC - Waste Incinerator

    For.Tec. - Model ROTOMAC - Waste Incinerator

    Our waste incinerators mod. ROTOMAC are rotary or oscillating combustion chamber furnaces, which are suitable for the incineration of almost all types of solid and liquid waste such as whole animals, slaughtering waste and generic organic waste but also hazardous and not-hazardous hospital waste and generic industrial ...

  • Incinerators Medical and General Waste

  • Crematoriums for Corpses and Pet

  • ForTec - Model FT - Corpses Cremator Ovens

    ForTec - Model FT - Corpses Cremator Ovens

    Crematory ovens mod. FT have been designed with an innovative technique which allows to maximize the cremation process, thanks to finest refractory materials and systems for heat recovery and reutilization which otherwise would be lost in the ...

  • Mobile Incinerators

  • ForTec - Model T-BULL - Mobile Incinerator

    ForTec - Model T-BULL - Mobile Incinerator

    Our ovens mod. T-BULL are designed to meet the need for immediate mobility and ease of use. Once reached the place of use, it takes 10 minutes for positioning and the oven is ready for steady operation. The entire system is installed on a sturdy steel preassembled skid and equipped with hooks for handling; on the structure are firmly secured: incinerator with postcombustion chamber for reducing emissions, ...

  • For.Tec. - Model MB - Containerized Mobile Incinerators

    For.Tec. - Model MB - Containerized Mobile Incinerators

    Our models of MB mobile incinerator ovens are designed to be installed inside a container or on a trailer in order to be able to intervene immediately and directly on the waste production site, these incinerators are equipped with a fuel tank and energy generator and therefore can also operate in isolated places or disaster areas. The MB series includes both static and rotary incinerators, with a load capacity of up to 2500 kg/cycle and destructive ...

  • Ovens Pyrolytic Stripping Ovens