Frontline BioEnergy, LLC

Frontline BioEnergy, LLC

Frontline BioEnergy, LLC

Since 2003, Frontline BioEnergy has been designing systems and proprietary equipment for biomass gasification. As each year passes, there is a noticeable and growing need to explore alternatives for clean fuel and energy production. After successfully delivering and operating one of the largest operating biomass gasifiers in North America, Frontline BioEnergy has continued to develop its gasification, gas cleaning, and gas conditioning technologies to offer solutions that are practical, cost-effective, efficient and reliable. Frontline gasification solutions are appropriate for producing renewable fuels via catalytic or fermentation processes, making renewable energy with combustion turbines, or re-powering existing utility boilers with biomass or waste fuels. Frontline’s engineering and support staff combine expert-level knowledge with firsthand field experience. The result is a practical approach to robust engineering design and development.

Company details

1521 West F Avenue , Nevada , Iowa 50201 USA
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Nationally (across the country)

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
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Mission: To be a Global Leader in Waste and Biomass Gasification Solutions for Renewable Energy, Renewable Fuels, and Products.Corporate Values

Integrity and Trust
In all facets of business and communications, Frontline BioEnergy’s staff maintains an ethical approach – earning the support and trust of clients, employees, colleagues, and the public.

Commitment to Success
Client success is our passion. By investing in the success of our employees, we earn their loyalty and commitment to the success of each client – resulting in an advantageous cycle that results in all teams (including their customers) winning.

Our approach is centered around the concept of going the extra mile to get it right the first time and to respect the time-sensitive needs of our clients.

Community & Giving
We believe in the philosophy of giving back to the community. We have been a proud participant in the United Way’s annual Day of Caring which has given us the opportunities to volunteer and support the United Way’s vision, “To Improve the quality of life in our community for individuals and families.”

June 2019: Frontline moves its engineering office to its pilot plant location at 1521 West F Avenue, Nevada, IA 50201.

October 2018: Frontline signs EPC agreement with Stine Seed Farms to build an auto-thermal pyrolysis plant based on technology developed at Iowa State University.

Summer 2018: Frontline successfully demonstrates methane production at its pilot plant.

Spring 2018: Frontline forms San Joaquin Renewables as a project entity and begins the development of a renewable natural gas plant to be built in the San Joaquin Valley of California.

Fall 2017: Frontline successfully demonstrates methanol production yields in excess of 125 gallons per dry ton of feedstock.

November 2016: Frontline selected as project partner in a 1.5 MWe advanced gasification-to-power project in the United Kingdom.

May 2016: Frontline granted US Patent 9,353,321 for its TarFreeGas® technology.

Summer 2015: Frontline successfully produces methanol from wood residues and refuse-derived fuel using its TarFreeGas®, PMFreeGas®, and PerfectGasTM technologies.

Winter 2013: Frontline expands its gas cleaning and conditioning system that produces synthesis quality gas for production of methanol, Fischer-Tropsch liquids, ammonia, or other fuels or chemicals.

Summer 2013: Frontline successfully demonstrates TarFreeGas®, its next-generation gasifier for production of low tar syngas.

November 2013: Frontline granted US Patent 8,580,019 for its PMFreeGas® technology.

May 2013: DenYon Energy selects Frontline’s TarFreeGas® technology for turkey-litter energy project.

April 2013: Frontline selected for U.S. Department of Energy grant to develop advanced drop-in biofuels for the military.

July 2012: Frontline obtains excellent emissions data for the combustion of gas produced by the gasification of refuse-derived fuel at its pilot facility in Nevada, Iowa.

December 2011: Frontline signs a contract with DenYon Energy, LLC, to design and develop a farm-scale commercial gasifier for the conversion of poultry litter to energy.

Fall 2011: Frontline begins work revamping its pilot facility in Nevada, Iowa, incorporating the next generation of its TarFreeGas® technology. This new technology promises to produce a syngas completely free of tars and particulates.

April 2011: SGC Energia invests in Frontline, bringing a new focus on liquid hydrocarbons synthesis.

July 2010: Frontline adds oxygen-blown gasification capability at its pilot facility in Nevada, Iowa, increasing its capacity to >10 dry tons/day.

Fall 2009: Frontline begins gasifying refuse-derived fuel (RDF) pellets at its pilot facility in Nevada, Iowa.

June 2009: CVEC becomes the majority shareholder, and William A. Lee becomes new CEO at Frontline BioEnergy LLC.

Spring 2008: Finished installing 75 ton/day commercial system at CVEC that allows Frontline BioEnergy to offer robust, large-scale gasification systems.

January 2006: Relocated to Ames, IA, to enhance opportunities within the ethanol and agricultural industries, as well as collaborate further with Iowa State University and the state of Iowa.

November 2005: Company restructured to become an LLC and bring ISU researcher, Jerod Smeenk, on board. The firm also partnered with Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company for a three-year, $15 million development contract.

2003-2005: Conducted DOE-funded research, consulting, and contract research.

May 2003: Frontline’s predecessor original founding in Colorado by John Reardon and Norman Reese.