Frontline BioEnergy, LLC

Frontline BioEnergy, LLC

3 products found

Frontline BioEnergy, LLC Products

  • Gasification and Gas Cleaning

  • Frontline - Model PMFreeGas - Gasification System

    Frontline - Model PMFreeGas - Gasification System

    PMFreeGas Gasification utilizes a pressurized reactor containing a fluid bed of sand, known as a pressurized bubbling fluidized bed (PBFB). PMFreeGas® is our most basic gasifier design and can be operated with air or pure oxygen with steam. This patented technology suits thermal applications where the exact composition of the syngas is not critical to its use, such as in a boiler to produce steam or in equipment that uses the hot gas to ...

  • Frontline - Model TarFreeGas - Gasification System

    Frontline - Model TarFreeGas - Gasification System

    TarFreeGas Advanced Gasification, similarly to PMFreeGas® gasification, TarFreeGas® utilizes a pressurized reactor containing a fluid bed of sand and can operate with either air and steam or pure oxygen and steam. TarFreeGas® causes tar levels up to 99% lower than traditional fluidized bed gasifiers. Frontline’s gasification systems convert waste into valuable synthesis gas (syngas) and a biochar coproduct. Frontline BioEnergy has ...

  • Frontline ALKOOL - Gas CleaningTechnologies

    Frontline ALKOOL - Gas CleaningTechnologies

    ALKOOL technology provides an alkali-free syngas while avoiding deposition and fouling normally encountered when processing feedstocks high in sodium and potassium. Removing these alkali metals protects equipment from ...