Gas Path Analysis Ltd (GPAL)

Gas Path Analysis Ltd (GPAL)

Gas Path Analysis Ltd (GPAL)

Gas Path Analysis Ltd (GPAL) specializes in developing software applications for the performance monitoring of gas turbines and process compressors. GPAL technology solutions are driven towards reducing Total Ownership Cost of gas turbines and compression systems. Performance monitoring provides warning of problems in advance and reduces unscheduled shutdowns. Proverbially, to be forewarned is to be forearmed and is the aim of GPAL software solutions: In addition to monitoring, GPAL optimization software for plant operation will result in lower fuel costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, taking into account any plant degradations that may be present. Such optimization also determines the maximum capacity of the assets thus optimizing CAPEX and maximizing production.

Company details

Annex Southcroft Farm, Hill Ln, Old Sodbury , Bristol , BS37 6RH United Kingdom
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Business Type:
Software vendor
Industry Type:
Monitoring and Testing
Market Focus:
Internationally (various countries)

GPAL technologies not only detect problems relating to performance but they also calculate the loss in power output and thermal efficiency for gas turbines and increased power demand for compressor. Thus GPAL technologies double up as an excellent Asset Management Tool.

GPAL technology is applicable to all gas turbines and compression systems irrespective of the industry that employs these engines and machinery.

GPAL was founded in July 1997 by Zak Razak to make such state-of-the-art technology commercially available. Zak has worked for over 25 years in developing software for engineering applications, including the development and application of mathematical models. During the last 15 years, he has been involved in the oil and gas industry, where he has worked on performance monitoring systems for gas turbines and process gas compressors using gas path analysis techniques. He graduated from Cranfield Institute of Technology (now Cranfield University) in the UK in 1982 and was awarded his PhD in Mathematical Modelling of Transients in Compressors in 1985 also from Cranfield.

The software developed by Zak Razak for performance monitoring and diagnostics attracted Siemens (Hengelo - Netherlands) to hire him where he worked for 3 years (2007 to 2010). After monitoring all the compressors on the NAM/ Groningen Asset Siemen purchased a non-exclusive royalty free license from him. Much of his work at Hengelo was using his software, including the monitoring of gas turbines.

He then joined Rolls Royce in October 2010, based in Derby where he worked on Trent 1000 rating and Trent 900 prod-pass-off. He filed over 20 patents, six granted, three by himself and two as the lead inventor. His biggest achievement was to developed Triple-S (Strategic research centre- Stable - Simulation) program, an engine performance simulation program in Excel/VBA (both design point and off-design) and is more stable than NPSS. Triple-S can model complex cycle in a day or two. It uses vector schemes described in my book

He has now returned to Gas Path Analysis Ltd