George K. Moss Co., Inc.

George K. Moss Co., Inc.

3 products found

George K. Moss Co., Inc. Products

  • MOSS Solid Fuel Boiler Systems

  • Moss - Solid Fuel Boiler Systems

    Moss - Solid Fuel Boiler Systems

    Moss provides steam and hot water boiler systems designed to fit your wood (sawdust, bark, chips, planner shavings, hogged fuels), coal (anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, or lignite) or biomass (wheat, corn, rice, coffee, pecan shells, peanut hulls, rice, poultry litter, animal by products, cow manure, etc.) fuel burning applications. Our solid waste fired boiler systems range in pressures from 15 PSIG to more than 1,275 PSIG with or without ...

  • Moss - Solid Fuel Boiler Combustion System

    Moss - Solid Fuel Boiler Combustion System

    The Moss PLC solid fuel fired boiler control panel uses the latest technology and software that allows you to operate your boiler around the clock safely with minimum supervision. This system is at the heart of our new solid fuel boiler systems or retrofits, which makes old boiler systems operate like new. The Moss design is supplied with a panelview screen to provide you with a high quality view of the boilers operating parameters. All necessary lights, ...

  • Moss - Fluidized Bed Combustion System

    Moss - Fluidized Bed Combustion System

    The Moss fluidized bed combustion system can be used on many different boiler or dryer systems. Because of stricter emission regulations in the United States as well as other nations and the need to combust more difficult fuels for energy production, this is the combustion system of the future. This combustion system can burn dry or wet solid fuels and/or gases and liquids. Fuels from wood, sludge's, coals, tires, rice hulls, corn products, cow manure, ...