Goldwind USA, Inc

Goldwind USA, Inc

Goldwind USA, Inc

Commitment to Excellence. Through our extensive global network of companies and the longevity of our energy and finance professionals, Goldwind Americas offers a comprehensive, turnkey menu of services including R&D, project development, turbine manufacturing, project management/supervision and after-sales services – we are focused yet integrated. In addition to our breadth of project work, we also engage several financing solutions by leveraging an extensive network of global resources. Commitment to Innovation. Building upon our strong foundation rooted in wind power solutions and permanent magnetic direct-drive expertise, we continue to explore the potential to combine wind power with other forms of renewable energy. This includes the pursuit and development of wind and solar power generation, smart micro-grids, energy savings, and technical and operational solutions. Providing clean, cost efficient renewable energy is an urgent, global imperative.

Company details

20 N Wacker Drive, Suite 1375 , Chicago , 60606 Illinois, USA
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Wind Energy
Market Focus:
Globally (various continents)

global imperative. Goldwind is dedicated to furthering the most advanced and cost-efficient wind power projects, continually raising the bar through a steadfast commitment to innovation.

Commitment to Quality, Health, Safety and the Environment. Goldwind senior management is fully committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees, contractors, visitors and other interested parties while incorporating sustainable development throughout its worldwide business.

Goldwind ensures competitive advantage through operational excellence and the development of innovative and reliable products and services. We invite you to read more about Goldwind’s Integrated QHSE Policy & Objectives online by clicking here.

Commitment to Sustainability

As a leading global provider of complete wind power solutions, Goldwind has always been striving to use our own professional advantages to solve the energy and environmental problems facing society. By contributing products and services related to clean energy infrastructure, we have created an endless stream of clean energy for the communities we serve. In this way, we do our own small part to mitigate global resource shortages and combat climate change.

Goldwind’s Sustainability Report is an important tool for communicating our commitment to UN Sustainability Development Goals. The annual report released each March aims to provide an honest record of the Company's sustainability philosophy, specific actions, and performance. This system allows us to respond to sustainability issues that concern us all. To learn more about Goldwind’s global sustainable development strategy, click here

Commitment to Ethical and Responsible Manufacturing

It is our core belief that people are the cornerstone of our business. Goldwind is committed to the safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing and delivery of its products and services and strictly abides by the laws and regulations of the countries and regions where it operates -- in China and internationally.

We pursue an equal employment policy, focus on diversity and inclusion, respect the political beliefs of every employee, and fairly treat employees of different races, colors, nationalities, genders, beliefs, and cultural backgrounds.

Goldwind strictly prohibits and discourages any form of child or forced labor.