Gossen Metrawatt GmbH

Gossen Metrawatt GmbH

3 products found

Gossen Metrawatt GmbH Products

  • Test Technology - Testing of Electric Installations and Systems

  • Model Starterpaket XTRA IQ - Test Instrument

    Model Starterpaket XTRA IQ - Test Instrument

    “XTRA IQ starter package” test instrument set for testing the effectiveness of protective measures at stationary electrical installations after completion, repair or expansion, and for periodic testing, especially for the fulfillment of DGUV regulation 3. “XTRA IQ starter package” test instrument set with PROFITEST MXTRA IQ and defined accessories for testing the effectiveness of protective measures at stationary electrical ...

  • Model PROFiTEST MF TECH - Measuring and Test Instrument

    Model PROFiTEST MF TECH - Measuring and Test Instrument

    Measuring and Test Instrument for Testing the Effectiveness of Protective Measures at Stationary Electrical Installations After Installation, Repair or Expansion, and for Periodic Testing (DGUV regulation 3). The PROFITEST MF TECH provides all measuring and test functions for testing the effectiveness of protective measures at stationary electrical installations – with predefined, or optionally with programmable test sequences which are required in ...

  • Test Technology - Testing of Electric Machines - Profitest Prime Sets

  • Model M506K - Profitest Prime Starterpaket

    Model M506K - Profitest Prime Starterpaket

    Standard test instrument set for testing the effectiveness of protective measures in electrical installations per DIN VDE 0100-600, machines and systems per VDE 0113-1, PV systems per VDE 0126-23 and electric charging stations per VDE ...