Gravita India Limited

Gravita India Limited

3 products found

Gravita India Limited Products

  • Lead Metal

    Native Lead rarely occurs in nature. It is usually associated with ore with Zn, Ag and Cu, and is extracted together with these metals. The Lead metal is primarily extracted from sulphide ore i.e galena (PbS), which has the 86.6% Lead content. Two other minerals commercially mined for Lead are cerussite (PbCO3) and anglesite (PbSO4). Over 95% of all Lead mined is derived from one of these three minerals. The largest source of Lead, however, is from recycling, & the automobile battery takes the lion’s share.

  • Lead Alloy C Half

    Lead Alloy C Half

    We are producing and supplying Lead Alloy C Half ½ in compliance with the internationally recognized specification of PB012K. We supply these alloys to power cable manufacturers for cable sheathing. Gravita’s product range for power cables used in extra-high-voltage applications has also been approved globally including Power Grid Corporation of India (a world’s largest Transmission ...

  • Lead Alloy E & E ½

    Lead Alloy E & E ½

    Gravita is the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of Lead E Alloy and Lead E 1/2 Alloy in compliance with the internationally recognized specification of PB021K & PB023K. We supply these alloys to power cable manufacturers for cable sheathing worldwide. Lead and Lead Alloys have been used as an impervious sheath on power transmission and other cables for over many years. Many of the Lead Alloys have been developed for different cable ...

  • Lead Products

  • Lead Wire

    Lead Wire

    Lead Wires are manufactured to cover a wide range of dimensions and materials to suit the many applications.We are the producer of Lead Wires that we produce in various forms as per the requirement of customers. The function of Lead wire are multiple naming a few in bullets, electric lamps, in bridge rectifiers and so on. We have been supplying our Lead Wires across the Globe which has garnered worldwide recognition. We appreciate our customer’s ...