3 products found
Heliotherm Wärmepumpentechnik Ges.m.b.H. Products
Heat Pumps
Heliotherm - Comfort Compact Heat Pump
Quality assurance for heat pumps:The heat pump quality seal was introduced by the EHPA in 2009 to create uniform measurable standards in Europe, according to which the quality of the product and service can be assessed. The award in Austria is carried out by the national quality seal commission of Austria under the chairmanship of Prof. Hermann Halozan / Graz University of Technology. Other members of the national commission are made up of experts from ...
Heliotherm - Ground Heat Pump with Surface Collectors
Your own home is the perfect place to replenish geothermal energy. The installation of a Heliotherm ground source heat pump with surface collectors, adds to your garden creating an inviting place of rest and inexhaustible source of ...
Heliotherm - Natural Technology Heat Pump
The Natural Technology heat pump ushers in 3 new era of heat pump technology, unrivaled in every aspect! The system uses the ground as the source energy and is available in both surface collectors or as probe system It can be used in combination with a photovoltaic system, increasing the total annual efficiency to a SCOP of ...