Heliotherm Wärmepumpentechnik Ges.m.b.H.

Heliotherm Wärmepumpentechnik Ges.m.b.H.

2 products found

Heliotherm Wärmepumpentechnik Ges.m.b.H. Products

  • Industrial Heat Pumps

  • Heliotherm - Model M - Industrial Heat Pumps

    Heliotherm - Model M - Industrial Heat Pumps

    Best in Class: World's most efficient heat pump technology > Maximum subsidies from state and federal sources. Quality "Made in Austria", development and production in Tyrol. 2 year manufacturer's warranty . Significant lower operating costs due to smart patented and registered refrigerant cycle operations (twin-x technology, dsi-technology). Worldwide heat pump remote ...

  • Heliotherm - Industrial Air Heat Pump

    Heliotherm - Industrial Air Heat Pump

    rhanks to its high heating capacity of up to 50 kw, the sensor-split air/water heat pump is the ideal solution for large-scale residential buildings, hotels and rommercial buildings of all kinds. 3y a max. flow temperature of up to 62 °C, as well as combination possibilities /vith already existing heat emission systems, the Sensor Solid Split is particularly suitable for ...