5 products found
Hexagon Purus ASA Products
Hydrogen High-Pressure Systems
Type 4 cylinders are the best combination of safety, efficiency and durability available
Hexagon Purus - Hydrogen High-Pressure Type 4 Cylinders
Profound safety & quality culture: Our in-house test capabilities for most relevant requirements (hydraulic, leak, burst testing, bonfire, penetration, permeation) ensure highest safety and quality ...
Hexagon Purus - Hydrogen Fuel Storage Systems
Modular & flexible: Hexagon Purus' hydrogen storage system is adapted to individual conditions in terms of storage amount, pressure level, space and positioning inside or outside the ...
Hexagon Purus - Hydrogen Distribution Systems
Distribution is considered to be a big problem for the future of hydrogen as a fuel. But at Hexagon Purus we focus on the solution. Able to transport up to 1.1 tons of hydrogen, our X-STORE® modules have the largest transport capacity worldwide, made to deliver hydrogen from the production sites to the filling stations as well as to industrial clients. Due to their extremely light weight, considerable operational ...
Battery Electric Vehicle Systems
Our battery system and drivetrain offerings have demonstrated superior performance and garnered exceptional feedback from OEMs and end-users
Hexagon Purus - Model eM2 - Class 6 Trucks
Hexagon Purus delivers complete zero emission commercial vehicles with turn-key solutions, converting medium- and heavy-duty trucks to emission-free electrical vehicle ...
Hexagon Purus - Model ProPack - Battery Systems
We provide highly efficient, mass-produced battery modules in a standard form factor with integrated battery management. Those modules are integrated into liquid-cooled, sealed packs in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and mounting locations to suit the specific needs of each ...