Ideal Electric Company
Ideal Electric Company, formerly Hyundai Ideal Electric Co., is a pioneering, American owned manufacturer of high-power, specialty electric motors, generators, condensers, switchgear, power systems and controls with capabilities ranging from standard 125 HP hermetic induction motors to customized water-cooled synchronous condensers and permanent magnet generators up to 50 MVA. Born in 1903 out of a 2,500 square foot converted horse carriage shop in Ohio with an order for an elevator motor, IDEAL ELECTRIC has grown to become a globally recognized electric machine maker with tens of thousands of references.
Company details
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- Business Type:
- Manufacturer
- Industry Type:
- Energy
- Market Focus:
- Globally (various continents)
- Year Founded:
- 1903
- Employees:
- 11-100
About Us
The company is distinguished as a leader in synchronous motors, delivering our first in 1918, hermetic motors for refrigeration and high-voltage models for air conditioning, Eddy Current Couplings, 400 Hz generators, “No-break” Continuous Power Systems, brushless excitation, a centrifugal rotor castor, wind-powered generators, epicyclic gear-driven generators, and 300% overspeed tolerant hydro-generators are select examples of the innovations IDEAL ELECTRIC has introduced over the years.
During the World Wars, many motors were supplied for numerous applications, many warships operated with components built by IDEAL, and aircraft were ground-powered by 400 Hz generators. Generals, Admirals, and even Presidents of the United States have bestowed the company with letters of commendation.
IDEAL ELECTRIC low and medium speed generators for diesel engines, gas, steam, geothermal and hydroelectric installations are legendary for their robustness and longevity. Our custom poly-phase induction, synchronous and wound-rotor motors are found in every application, are built to the highest specifications and meet all industry standards with ratings up to 50,000 HP. Most recently, the introduction of high-horsepower permanent magnet motors to the product portfolio in medium and low voltages, high and super-slow speeds, for all applications embody our commitment to yet another century of innovation and custom solutions.
IDEAL ELECTRIC has a reputation for an unyielding commitment to quality reflected in every part we supply and proven by the thousands of machines operating today around the world. Our Genuine IDEAL Parts & Service program, along with our heavy manufacturing and testing capabilities, guarantee you know what you are getting in new or re-manufactured parts. Parts that fit your exact electric machine’s original specification or newly engineered and manufactured to upgraded solutions. All of IDEAL ELECTRIC’s original designs, drawings, and specifications; the tools, dies, molds and jigs are preserved, and our entire team, including engineers and technicians, are here supporting your calls day and night. We not only serve our products, but we are uniquely equipt and available to assist with anyone else’s legacy equipment and as well. Protect your investment and assure IDEAL quality; always insist on Genuine IDEAL Parts & Service.
IDEAL’s Mansfield Works is located on a 29-acre site in downtown Mansfield, Ohio where the first purpose-built factory was erected in 1920. Over the years, the shop has grown to become one of the most capable, vertically-integrated large rotating machine manufacturing plants in the Americas with over 280,000 square feet under roof. Our massive test floor allows for complete testing of synchronous motors and generators in both the vertical and horizontal configuration and full load testing of induction motors up to 8,000 HP, at voltages from 480 volts to 14.4 kV and at 60Hz and 50 Hz.
IDEAL is one of the few motor and generator manufacturers who has designed and built our own switchgear, assuring a coordinated design and trouble-free start-up. We are also the only U.S. manufacturer to supply space-saving generator-mounted epicyclic gears.
In September 2017, IDEAL ELECTRIC was acquired from Hyundai Heavy Industries of Seoul, South Korea marking the return of the company to privately held, 100% American ownership. Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit that places innovation and our customers first, IDEAL ELECTRIC is uniquely positioned with best-in-class capabilities to handle almost any size project, while providing the personal attention customers appreciate.
116 Years of Ideal
May 28, 1903; The Ideal Electric & Manufacturing Company is created out of the Card Electric Company in a 2,500 square foot converted horse carriage shop. The company built split frame motors for streetcars and elevators. A century of continuous innovation and corporate growth followed and in 2018 IDEAL celebrated 115 years under new, privately held, American ownership.
The Ideal Electric & Manufacturing Company was founded in May of 1903 by Stanleigh Glen Vinson at the corner of East 5th and Elm Street, Mansfield, Ohio. The company was relocated to the corner of East 1st and Oak Streets in 1920. The company was owned by the Vinson family until 1976. Ideal Electric Co. was purchased by the Carrier Corporation in November of 1976. Ideal Electric Co. was then purchased by United Technologies Corporation in June of 1979 when UTC purchased the Carrier Corporation. Michael M.Vucelic, members of his family, and several investors acquired the company on May 28, 1986.
Historical Products
The Ideal Electric & Manufacturing Company received their first order from the A. Kieckhefer Elevator Company on May 28, 1903. New products, including high-torque squirrel cage motors, induction motors, and slip ring motors, were introduced in 1905. These motors were for elevators and electro-plating. AC motors up to 50 hp and DC motors up to 4000 amperes were added to the product line in 1907. Other products were added as the company grew.
During WWI Ideal Electric supplied many motors for various applications. Many warships housed components built by Ideal Electric.
Synchronous motors were added to the product mix in 1918. Hermetic motors for refrigeration purposes were developed in the 1920’s. Eddy Current Couplings were developed in 1928 to supply variable speed and torque. Ideal supplied 400 cycle generators for the military during WWII.
The Battle of Tassafaronga during November of 1942 was devastating to our fleet of heavy cruisers. The Northampton was sunk, and the Minneapolis, New Orleans, and Pensacola sustained heavy casualties and were sent back to port for repairs. The Minneapolis, after she sunk or helped sink nine Japanese warships, limped into Tulagi Harbor for emergency repairs before proceeding to Pearl Harbor and thence to Mare Island Navy Yard at San Francisco. The gun turrets for this sea fighter, like hundreds of other surface craft, were powered with motor-generator sets manufactured by the Ideal Electric Company. A letter of commendation from Rear Admiral, El Cochrane, USN, Chief of the Bureau of Ships applauded Ideal Electric for its delivery record and quality components.
No-break, Continuous Power Systems that combined the motor, generator, and Eddy Current technologies were developed in the 1960’s.
Ideal Electric has designed and manufactured custom-built equipment for a variety of applications and customers. Ideal has built small, land-based, high-frequency motor-generator sets for Naval aircraft, medium size generators for Naval guided missile attack ships, small to large generators for hydroelectric applications, generators for oil platforms, back-up power supplies for NASA, small refrigeration motors for buildings like the Astrodome in Houston Texas and the World Trade Center.
Some of the innovations Ideal has engineered include the Eddy Current Coupling, brushless exciter package, a centrifugal rotor castor, wind-powered generators, epicyclic gear-driven generators, 300% overspeed hydro-generators and 11,000 volt hermetic motors.